from __future__ import division import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.autograd import Variable import numpy as np from utils.parse_config import * from utils.utils import build_targets, to_cpu, non_max_suppression import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib.patches as patches # convolutional,maxpool,upsample,route,shortcut,yolo def create_modules(module_defs): """ Constructs module list of layer blocks from module configuration in module_defs """ hyperparams = module_defs.pop(0) output_filters = [int(hyperparams["channels"])] module_list = nn.ModuleList() # 一定要用ModuleList()才能被torch识别为module并进行管理,不能用list! for module_i, module_def in enumerate(module_defs): modules = nn.Sequential() if module_def["type"] == "convolutional": bn = int(module_def["batch_normalize"]) filters = int(module_def["filters"]) kernel_size = int(module_def["size"]) pad = (kernel_size - 1) // 2 modules.add_module( f"conv_{module_i}", nn.Conv2d( in_channels=output_filters[-1], out_channels=filters, kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=int(module_def["stride"]), padding=pad, bias=not bn, ), ) if bn: # modules.add_module(f"batch_norm_{module_i}", nn.BatchNorm2d(filters, momentum=0.9, eps=1e-5)) modules.add_module(f"batch_norm_{module_i}", nn.BatchNorm2d(filters)) if module_def["activation"] == "leaky": modules.add_module(f"leaky_{module_i}", nn.LeakyReLU(0.1, inplace=True)) # 增加了深度可分离卷积 elif module_def["type"] == "ds_conv": bn = int(module_def["batch_normalize"]) filters = int(module_def["filters"]) kernel_size = int(module_def["size"]) pad = int(module_def["pad"]) # 逐通道 modules.add_module( f"ds_conv_d_{module_i}", nn.Conv2d( in_channels=output_filters[-1], out_channels=output_filters[-1], kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=int(module_def["stride"]), padding=pad, groups=output_filters[-1], # 和in_channels相同 ), ) # 逐点 modules.add_module( f"ds_conv_p_{module_i}", nn.Conv2d( in_channels=output_filters[-1], out_channels=filters, kernel_size=1, stride=1, padding=0, groups=1, ), ) if bn: # modules.add_module(f"batch_norm_{module_i}", nn.BatchNorm2d(filters, momentum=0.9, eps=1e-5)) modules.add_module(f"batch_norm_{module_i}", nn.BatchNorm2d(filters)) if module_def["activation"] == "leaky": modules.add_module(f"leaky_{module_i}", nn.LeakyReLU(0.1, inplace=True)) elif module_def["type"] == "maxpool": kernel_size = int(module_def["size"]) stride = int(module_def["stride"]) if kernel_size == 2 and stride == 1: modules.add_module(f"_debug_padding_{module_i}", nn.ZeroPad2d((0, 1, 0, 1))) maxpool = nn.MaxPool2d(kernel_size=kernel_size, stride=stride, padding=int((kernel_size - 1) // 2)) modules.add_module(f"maxpool_{module_i}", maxpool) elif module_def["type"] == "upsample": upsample = Upsample(scale_factor=int(module_def["stride"]), mode="nearest") modules.add_module(f"upsample_{module_i}", upsample) elif module_def["type"] == "route": #路由层进行拼接操作 比如: 输入1:26*26*256 输入2: 26*26*128 输出: 26*26*(256+128) layers = [int(x) for x in module_def["layers"].split(",")] filters = sum([output_filters[1:][i] for i in layers]) modules.add_module(f"route_{module_i}", EmptyLayer()) elif module_def["type"] == "shortcut": #残差连接,并不是通道拼接,而是每个通道的特征图逐元素相加,并不会改变通道数量 filters = output_filters[1:][int(module_def["from"])] modules.add_module(f"shortcut_{module_i}", EmptyLayer()) elif module_def["type"] == "yolo": anchor_idxs = [int(x) for x in module_def["mask"].split(",")] # Extract anchors anchors = [int(x) for x in module_def["anchors"].split(",")] anchors = [(anchors[i], anchors[i + 1]) for i in range(0, len(anchors), 2)] anchors = [anchors[i] for i in anchor_idxs] num_classes = int(module_def["classes"]) img_size = int(hyperparams["height"]) # Define detection layer yolo_layer = YOLOLayer(anchors, num_classes, img_size) modules.add_module(f"yolo_{module_i}", yolo_layer) # Register module list and number of output filters module_list.append(modules) output_filters.append(filters) # filter保存了输出的维度 return hyperparams, module_list class Upsample(nn.Module): """ nn.Upsample is deprecated """ def __init__(self, scale_factor, mode="nearest"): super(Upsample, self).__init__() self.scale_factor = scale_factor self.mode = mode def forward(self, x): x = F.interpolate(x, scale_factor=self.scale_factor, mode=self.mode) return x class EmptyLayer(nn.Module): # 只是为了占位,以便处理route层和shortcut层 """Placeholder for 'route' and 'shortcut' layers""" def __init__(self): super(EmptyLayer, self).__init__() class YOLOLayer(nn.Module): """Detection layer""" def __init__(self, anchors, num_classes, img_dim=416): super(YOLOLayer, self).__init__() self.anchors = anchors self.num_anchors = len(anchors) self.num_classes = num_classes self.ignore_thres = 0.5 self.mse_loss = nn.MSELoss() self.bce_loss = nn.BCELoss() self.obj_scale = 1 self.noobj_scale = 100 self.metrics = {} self.img_dim = img_dim self.grid_size = 0 # grid size def compute_grid_offsets(self, grid_size, cuda=True): self.grid_size = grid_size g = self.grid_size FloatTensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor if cuda else torch.FloatTensor self.stride = self.img_dim / self.grid_size # Calculate offsets for each grid self.grid_x = torch.arange(g).repeat(g, 1).view([1, 1, g, g]).type(FloatTensor) self.grid_y = torch.arange(g).repeat(g, 1).t().view([1, 1, g, g]).type(FloatTensor) self.scaled_anchors = FloatTensor([(a_w / self.stride, a_h / self.stride) for a_w, a_h in self.anchors]) self.anchor_w = self.scaled_anchors[:, 0:1].view((1, self.num_anchors, 1, 1)) # anchor_w的范围是[0, grid_size](416下),浮点型数值 self.anchor_h = self.scaled_anchors[:, 1:2].view((1, self.num_anchors, 1, 1)) def forward(self, x, targets=None, img_dim=None): # Tensors for cuda support FloatTensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor if x.is_cuda else torch.FloatTensor LongTensor = torch.cuda.LongTensor if x.is_cuda else torch.LongTensor ByteTensor = torch.cuda.ByteTensor if x.is_cuda else torch.ByteTensor self.img_dim = img_dim num_samples = x.size(0) grid_size = x.size(2) prediction = ( x.view(num_samples, self.num_anchors, self.num_classes + 5, grid_size, grid_size) .permute(0, 1, 3, 4, 2) # num_samples, num_anchors, grid_size, grid_size, self.num_classes + 5 .contiguous() ) # Get outputs x = torch.sigmoid(prediction[..., 0]) # Center x y = torch.sigmoid(prediction[..., 1]) # Center y w = prediction[..., 2] # Width h = prediction[..., 3] # Height pred_conf = torch.sigmoid(prediction[..., 4]) # Conf pred_cls = torch.sigmoid(prediction[..., 5:]) # Cls pred. # If grid size does not match current we compute new offsets if grid_size != self.grid_size: # 不用每次都计算,只有在输入图片大小第一次发生变化时计算 self.compute_grid_offsets(grid_size, cuda=x.is_cuda) # Add offset and scale with anchors pred_boxes = FloatTensor(prediction[..., :4].shape) # 生成形状与prediction[..., :4]相同的张量 pred_boxes[..., 0] = + self.grid_x pred_boxes[..., 1] = + self.grid_y pred_boxes[..., 2] = torch.exp( * self.anchor_w # anchor_w的范围是[0,grid_size](416下),浮点型变量 pred_boxes[..., 3] = torch.exp( * self.anchor_h output = ( pred_boxes.view(num_samples, -1, 4) * self.stride, pred_conf.view(num_samples, -1, 1), pred_cls.view(num_samples, -1, self.num_classes), # num_samples, num_anchors*grid_size*grid_size, 85 ), -1, ) if targets is None: return output, 0 else: iou_scores, class_mask, obj_mask, noobj_mask, tx, ty, tw, th, tcls, tconf = build_targets( pred_boxes=pred_boxes, pred_cls=pred_cls, target=targets, anchors=self.scaled_anchors, ignore_thres=self.ignore_thres, ) obj_mask = obj_mask.bool() #将int8转换为bool noobj_mask = noobj_mask.bool() #将int8转换为bool # Loss : Mask outputs to ignore non-existing objects (except with conf. loss) # TODO:这里没有针对wh的损失进行加权处理 loss_x = self.mse_loss(x[obj_mask], tx[obj_mask]) loss_y = self.mse_loss(y[obj_mask], ty[obj_mask]) loss_w = self.mse_loss(w[obj_mask], tw[obj_mask]) loss_h = self.mse_loss(h[obj_mask], th[obj_mask]) loss_conf_obj = self.bce_loss(pred_conf[obj_mask], tconf[obj_mask]) loss_conf_noobj = self.bce_loss(pred_conf[noobj_mask], tconf[noobj_mask]) loss_conf = self.obj_scale * loss_conf_obj + self.noobj_scale * loss_conf_noobj loss_cls = self.bce_loss(pred_cls[obj_mask], tcls[obj_mask]) total_loss = loss_x + loss_y + loss_w + loss_h + loss_conf + loss_cls # Metrics cls_acc = 100 * class_mask[obj_mask].mean() conf_obj = pred_conf[obj_mask].mean() conf_noobj = pred_conf[noobj_mask].mean() conf50 = (pred_conf > 0.5).float() iou50 = (iou_scores > 0.5).float() iou75 = (iou_scores > 0.75).float() detected_mask = conf50 * class_mask * tconf precision = torch.sum(iou50 * detected_mask) / (conf50.sum() + 1e-16) recall50 = torch.sum(iou50 * detected_mask) / (obj_mask.sum() + 1e-16) recall75 = torch.sum(iou75 * detected_mask) / (obj_mask.sum() + 1e-16) self.metrics = { "loss": to_cpu(total_loss).item(), "x": to_cpu(loss_x).item(), "y": to_cpu(loss_y).item(), "w": to_cpu(loss_w).item(), "h": to_cpu(loss_h).item(), "conf": to_cpu(loss_conf).item(), "cls": to_cpu(loss_cls).item(), "cls_acc": to_cpu(cls_acc).item(), "recall50": to_cpu(recall50).item(), "recall75": to_cpu(recall75).item(), "precision": to_cpu(precision).item(), "conf_obj": to_cpu(conf_obj).item(), "conf_noobj": to_cpu(conf_noobj).item(), "grid_size": grid_size, } return output, total_loss class Darknet(nn.Module): """YOLOv3 object detection model""" def __init__(self, config_path, img_size=416): super(Darknet, self).__init__() if isinstance(config_path, str): #读取配置文件 self.module_defs = parse_model_config(config_path) elif isinstance(config_path, list): self.module_defs = config_path self.hyperparams, self.module_list = create_modules(self.module_defs) #创建模型 self.yolo_layers = [layer[0] for layer in self.module_list if hasattr(layer[0], "metrics")] # layer是个nn.Sequential() self.img_size = img_size self.seen = 0 self.header_info = np.array([0, 0, 0, self.seen, 0], dtype=np.int32) def forward(self, x, targets=None): img_dim = x.shape[2] # 取决于输入图片的大小,因为是正方形输入,所以只考虑height loss = 0 layer_outputs, yolo_outputs = [], [] for i, (module_def, module) in enumerate(zip(self.module_defs, self.module_list)): if module_def["type"] in ["convolutional", "upsample", "maxpool", "ds_conv"]: # 增加了"ds_conv" x = module(x) elif module_def["type"] == "route": x =[layer_outputs[int(layer_i)] for layer_i in module_def["layers"].split(",")], 1) elif module_def["type"] == "shortcut": layer_i = int(module_def["from"]) # print(f'{layer_i}' + ':' + str(len(layer_outputs[layer_i]))) # print(f'{layer_i}' + '-layer_outputs:' + str(len(layer_outputs[-1]))) x = layer_outputs[-1] + layer_outputs[layer_i] elif module_def["type"] == "yolo": # [82, 94, 106] for yolov3 x, layer_loss = module[0](x, targets, img_dim) # module是nn.Sequential(),所以要取[0] loss += layer_loss yolo_outputs.append(x) layer_outputs.append(x) # 将每个块的output都保存起来 yolo_outputs = to_cpu(, 1)) # 只保存yolo层的output return yolo_outputs if targets is None else (loss, yolo_outputs) def load_darknet_weights(self, weights_path): """Parses and loads the weights stored in 'weights_path'""" # Open the weights file with open(weights_path, "rb") as f: header = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.int32, count=5) # First five are header values self.header_info = header # Needed to write header when saving weights self.seen = header[3] # number of images seen during training weights = np.fromfile(f, dtype=np.float32) # The rest are weights # Establish cutoff for loading backbone weights cutoff = None if "darknet53.conv.74" in weights_path: cutoff = 75 ptr = 0 for i, (module_def, module) in enumerate(zip(self.module_defs, self.module_list)): if i == cutoff: break if module_def["type"] == "convolutional": conv_layer = module[0] if module_def["batch_normalize"]: # Load BN bias, weights, running mean and running variance bn_layer = module[1] num_b = bn_layer.bias.numel() # Number of biases # Bias bn_b = torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr : ptr + num_b]).view_as(bn_layer.bias) ptr += num_b # Weight bn_w = torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr : ptr + num_b]).view_as(bn_layer.weight) ptr += num_b # Running Mean bn_rm = torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr : ptr + num_b]).view_as(bn_layer.running_mean) ptr += num_b # Running Var bn_rv = torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr : ptr + num_b]).view_as(bn_layer.running_var) ptr += num_b # Load conv. weights num_w = conv_layer.weight.numel() conv_w = torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr: ptr + num_w]).view_as(conv_layer.weight) ptr += num_w else: # 对于yolov3.weights,不带bn的卷积层就是YOLO前的卷积层 if "yolov3.weights" in weights_path: num_b = 255 ptr += num_b num_w = int(self.module_defs[i-1]["filters"]) * 255 ptr += num_w else: # Load conv. bias num_b = conv_layer.bias.numel() conv_b = torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr : ptr + num_b]).view_as(conv_layer.bias) ptr += num_b # Load conv. weights num_w = conv_layer.weight.numel() conv_w = torch.from_numpy(weights[ptr : ptr + num_w]).view_as(conv_layer.weight) ptr += num_w # 确保指针到达权重的最后一个位置 assert ptr == len(weights) def save_darknet_weights(self, path, cutoff=-1): """ @:param path - path of the new weights file @:param cutoff - save layers between 0 and cutoff (cutoff = -1 -> all are saved) """ fp = open(path, "wb") self.header_info[3] = self.seen self.header_info.tofile(fp) # Iterate through layers for i, (module_def, module) in enumerate(zip(self.module_defs[:cutoff], self.module_list[:cutoff])): if module_def["type"] == "convolutional": conv_layer = module[0] # If batch norm, load bn first if module_def["batch_normalize"]: bn_layer = module[1] # Load conv bias else: # Load conv weights fp.close()