1703 lines
67 KiB
1703 lines
67 KiB
# -----------------------------------------------------------
# "BCAN++: Cross-modal Retrieval With Bidirectional Correct Attention Network"
# Yang Liu, Hong Liu, Huaqiu Wang, Fanyang Meng, Mengyuan Liu*
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import logging
import os
import sys
import time
import numpy as np
import torch
from collections import OrderedDict
import time
from torch.autograd import Variable
from transformers import BertTokenizer
from data import get_test_loader
from data2 import get_test_loader2
from lib.datasets import image_caption
from lib.evaluation import eval_cxc
from lib.vse import VSEModel
from model import SCAN
from model2 import SCAN2
from model3 import SCAN3
from vocab import deserialize_vocab
class AverageMeter(object):
"""Computes and stores the average and current value"""
def __init__(self):
def reset(self):
self.val = 0
self.avg = 0
self.sum = 0
self.count = 0
def update(self, val, n=0):
self.val = val
self.sum += val * n
self.count += n
self.avg = self.sum / (.0001 + self.count)
def __str__(self):
"""String representation for logging
# for values that should be recorded exactly e.g. iteration number
if self.count == 0:
return str(self.val)
# for stats
return '%.4f (%.4f)' % (self.val, self.avg)
class LogCollector(object):
"""A collection of logging objects that can change from train to val"""
def __init__(self):
# to keep the order of logged variables deterministic
self.meters = OrderedDict()
def update(self, k, v, n=0):
# create a new meter if previously not recorded
if k not in self.meters:
self.meters[k] = AverageMeter()
self.meters[k].update(v, n)
def __str__(self):
"""Concatenate the meters in one log line
s = ''
for i, (k, v) in enumerate(self.meters.items()):
if i > 0:
s += ' '
s += k + ' ' + str(v)
return s
def tb_log(self, tb_logger, prefix='', step=None):
"""Log using tensorboard
for k, v in self.meters.items():
tb_logger.log_value(prefix + k, v.val, step=step)
def encode_data2(model, data_loader, log_step=100, logging=print):
"""Encode all images and captions loadable by `data_loader`
batch_time = AverageMeter()
val_logger = LogCollector()
# switch to evaluate mode
end = time.time()
# np array to keep all the embeddings
img_embs = None
cap_embs = None
cap_lens = None
max_n_word = 0
for i, (images, captions, lengths, ids) in enumerate(data_loader):
max_n_word = max(max_n_word, max(lengths))
# lengths = lengths.cpu().numpy().tolist()
# l = [len(l) for l in lengths]
# max_n_word = max(max_n_word, max(l))
with torch.no_grad():
for i, (images, captions, lengths, ids) in enumerate(data_loader):
# make sure val logger is used
model.logger = val_logger
lengths = lengths.cpu().numpy().tolist()
images = images.cuda()
captions = captions.cuda()
# pos = pos.cuda()
# compute the embeddings
img_emb, img_mean, cap_emb, cap_len, cap_mean = model.module.forward_emb(images, captions, lengths)
# img_emb, cap_emb, cap_len = model.forward_emb(images, captions, pos, lengths)
# print(img_emb)
if img_embs is None:
if img_emb.dim() == 3:
img_embs = np.zeros((len(data_loader.dataset), img_emb.size(1), img_emb.size(2)))
img_embs = np.zeros((len(data_loader.dataset), img_emb.size(1)))
cap_embs = np.zeros((len(data_loader.dataset), max_n_word, cap_emb.size(2)))
img_means = np.zeros((len(data_loader.dataset), img_mean.size(1)))
# tags = np.zeros((len(data_loader.dataset), max_n_word))
cap_lens = [0] * len(data_loader.dataset)
cap_means = np.zeros((len(data_loader.dataset), cap_mean.size(1)))
# cache embeddings
# print(img_embs.shape,type(ids))
# print(img_emb.shape)
img_embs[ids] = img_emb.data.cpu().numpy().copy()
img_means[ids] = img_mean.data.cpu().numpy().copy()
cap_means[ids] = cap_mean.data.cpu().numpy().copy()
cap_embs[ids, :cap_emb.size(1), :] = cap_emb.data.cpu().numpy().copy()
for j, nid in enumerate(ids):
cap_lens[nid] = cap_len[j]
# measure elapsed time
batch_time.update(time.time() - end)
end = time.time()
if i % log_step == 0:
logging('Test: [{0}/{1}]\t'
'Time {batch_time.val:.3f} ({batch_time.avg:.3f})\t'
i, len(data_loader), batch_time=batch_time,
del images, captions
return img_embs, img_means, cap_embs, cap_lens, cap_means,
def encode_data(model, data_loader, log_step=100, logging=print):
"""Encode all images and captions loadable by `data_loader`
batch_time = AverageMeter()
val_logger = LogCollector()
# switch to evaluate mode
end = time.time()
# np array to keep all the embeddings
img_embs = None
cap_embs = None
cap_lens = None
max_n_word = 0
for i, (images, img_lengths, captions, lengths, ids) in enumerate(data_loader):
max_n_word = max(max_n_word, max(lengths))
# lengths = lengths.cpu().numpy().tolist()
# l = [len(l) for l in lengths]
# max_n_word = max(max_n_word, max(l))
with torch.no_grad():
for i, (images, img_lengths, captions, lengths, ids) in enumerate(data_loader):
# make sure val logger is used
model.logger = val_logger
lengths = lengths.cpu().numpy().tolist()
images = images.cuda()
img_lengths = img_lengths.cuda()
captions = captions.cuda()
# pos = pos.cuda()
# compute the embeddings
img_emb, img_mean, cap_emb, cap_len, cap_mean = model.module.forward_emb(images, img_lengths, captions, lengths)
# img_emb, cap_emb, cap_len = model.forward_emb(images, captions, pos, lengths)
# print(img_emb)
if img_embs is None:
if img_emb.dim() == 3:
img_embs = np.zeros((len(data_loader.dataset), img_emb.size(1), img_emb.size(2)))
img_embs = np.zeros((len(data_loader.dataset), img_emb.size(1)))
cap_embs = np.zeros((len(data_loader.dataset), max_n_word, cap_emb.size(2)))
img_means = np.zeros((len(data_loader.dataset), img_mean.size(1)))
# tags = np.zeros((len(data_loader.dataset), max_n_word))
cap_lens = [0] * len(data_loader.dataset)
cap_means = np.zeros((len(data_loader.dataset), cap_mean.size(1)))
# cache embeddings
# print(img_embs.shape,type(ids))
# print(img_emb.shape)
img_embs[ids] = img_emb.data.cpu().numpy().copy()
img_means[ids] = img_mean.data.cpu().numpy().copy()
cap_means[ids] = cap_mean.data.cpu().numpy().copy()
cap_embs[ids, :cap_emb.size(1), :] = cap_emb.data.cpu().numpy().copy()
for j, nid in enumerate(ids):
cap_lens[nid] = cap_len[j]
# measure elapsed time
batch_time.update(time.time() - end)
end = time.time()
if i % log_step == 0:
logging('Test: [{0}/{1}]\t'
'Time {batch_time.val:.3f} ({batch_time.avg:.3f})\t'
i, len(data_loader), batch_time=batch_time,
del images, captions
return img_embs, img_means, cap_embs, cap_lens, cap_means,
def encode_data_vse(model, data_loader, log_step=10, logging=print, backbone=False):
"""Encode all images and captions loadable by `data_loader`
batch_time = AverageMeter()
val_logger = LogCollector()
# switch to evaluate mode
end = time.time()
# np array to keep all the embeddings
img_embs = None
cap_embs = None
for i, data_i in enumerate(data_loader):
# make sure val logger is used
if not backbone:
images, image_lengths, captions, lengths, ids = data_i
images, captions, lengths, ids = data_i
model.logger = val_logger
# compute the embeddings
if not backbone:
img_emb, cap_emb = model.forward_emb(images, captions, lengths, image_lengths=image_lengths)
img_emb, cap_emb = model.forward_emb(images, captions, lengths)
if img_embs is None:
if img_emb.dim() == 3:
img_embs = np.zeros((len(data_loader.dataset), img_emb.size(1), img_emb.size(2)))
img_embs = np.zeros((len(data_loader.dataset), img_emb.size(1)))
cap_embs = np.zeros((len(data_loader.dataset), cap_emb.size(1)))
cap_lens = [0] * len(data_loader.dataset)
# cache embeddings
img_embs[ids] = img_emb.data.cpu().numpy().copy()
cap_embs[ids, :] = cap_emb.data.cpu().numpy().copy()
# measure accuracy and record loss
model.forward_loss(img_emb, cap_emb)
# measure elapsed time
batch_time.update(time.time() - end)
end = time.time()
if i % log_step == 0:
logging('Test: [{0}/{1}]\t'
'Time {batch_time.val:.3f} ({batch_time.avg:.3f})\t'
i, len(data_loader.dataset) // data_loader.batch_size + 1, batch_time=batch_time,
del images, captions
return img_embs, cap_embs
def compute_sim(images, captions):
similarities = np.matmul(images, np.matrix.transpose(captions))
return similarities
def evalrank_vse(model_path, data_path=None, split='dev', fold5=False):
Evaluate a trained model on either dev or test. If `fold5=True`, 5 fold
cross-validation is done (only for MSCOCO). Otherwise, the full data is
used for evaluation.
# load model and options
checkpoint = torch.load(model_path)
opt = checkpoint['opt']
if data_path is not None:
opt.data_path = data_path
# load vocabulary used by the model
vocab = deserialize_vocab(os.path.join(opt.vocab_path, '%s_vocab.json' % opt.data_name))
word2idx = vocab.word2idx
opt.vocab_size = len(vocab)
model = VSEModel(opt)
# load model state
print('Loading dataset')
opt.batch_size = 64
data_loader = get_test_loader(split, opt.data_name, vocab,
opt.batch_size, 2, opt)
print('Computing results...')
logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', level=logging.INFO)
os.makedirs(opt.logger_name, exist_ok=True)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
with torch.no_grad():
# compute the encoding for all the validation images and captions
img_embs, cap_embs = encode_data_vse(
model, data_loader, opt.log_step, backbone=opt.precomp_enc_type == 'backbone')
print('Images: %d, Captions: %d' %
(img_embs.shape[0] / 5, cap_embs.shape[0]))
img_embs = np.array([img_embs[i] for i in range(0, len(img_embs), 5)])
start = time.time()
sims = compute_sim(img_embs, cap_embs)
end = time.time()
logger.info("calculate similarity time: {}".format(end - start))
# caption retrieval
npts = img_embs.shape[0]
# (r1, r5, r10, medr, meanr) = i2t(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims)
(r1, r5, r10, medr, meanr) = i2t_vse(npts, sims)
# logging.info("Image to text: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" %
# (r1, r5, r10, medr, meanr))
# image retrieval
# (r1i, r5i, r10i, medri, meanr) = t2i(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims)
(r1i, r5i, r10i, medri, meanr) = t2i_vse(npts, sims)
# logging.info("Text to image: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" %
# (r1i, r5i, r10i, medri, meanr))
# sum of recalls to be used for early stopping
currscore = r1 + r5 + r10 + r1i + r5i + r10i
#logger.info('Current rsum is {}'.format(currscore))
print("rsum: %.1f" % currscore)
ar = (r1 + r5 + r10) / 3
ari = (r1i + r5i + r10i) / 3
print("Average i2t Recall: %.1f" % ar)
print("Image to text: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" %
(r1, r5, r10, medr, meanr))
print("Average t2i Recall: %.1f" % ari)
print("Text to image: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" %
(r1i, r5i, r10i, medri, meanr))
def evalrank_f_c(data_path,dataset):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
#parser.add_argument('--dataset', default='f30k',help='coco or f30k')
#parser.add_argument('--data_path', default='./data/f30k')
#parser.add_argument('--data_path', default='../pycharmProject/data/f30k_precomp')
#parser.add_argument('--data_path', default='../SCAN-master/data/coco_precomp')
#parser.add_argument('--data_path', default='../SCAN-master/data/f30k_precomp')
parser.add_argument('--save_results', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--evaluate_cxc', action='store_true')
opt = parser.parse_args()
opt.dataset = dataset
if opt.dataset == 'coco':
weights_bases = [
elif opt.dataset == 'f30k':
weights_bases = [
raise ValueError('Invalid dataset argument {}'.format(opt.dataset))
for base in weights_bases:
#model_path = os.path.join(base, 'model_best.pth')
model_path = os.path.join(base, 'checkpoint.pth')
if opt.save_results: # Save the final results for computing ensemble results
save_path = os.path.join(base, 'results_{}.npy'.format(opt.dataset))
save_path = None
if opt.dataset == 'coco':
if not opt.evaluate_cxc:
# Evaluate COCO 5-fold 1K
evalrank_f30k_coco(model_path, data_path=opt.data_path, split='test', fold5=False)
# Evaluate COCO 5K
#evalrank_f30k_coco(model_path, data_path=opt.data_path, split='testall', fold5=False, save_path=save_path)
# Evaluate COCO-trained models on CxC
evalrank_f30k_coco(model_path, data_path=opt.data_path, split='testall', fold5=True, cxc=True)
elif opt.dataset == 'f30k':
# Evaluate Flickr30K
evalrank_f30k_coco(model_path, data_path=opt.data_path, split='test', fold5=False, save_path=save_path)
def evalrank_f_c2(data_path,dataset):
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
#parser.add_argument('--dataset', default='f30k',help='coco or f30k')
#parser.add_argument('--data_path', default='./data/f30k')
#parser.add_argument('--data_path', default='../pycharmProject/data/f30k_precomp')
#parser.add_argument('--data_path', default='../SCAN-master/data/coco_precomp')
#parser.add_argument('--data_path', default='../SCAN-master/data/f30k_precomp')
parser.add_argument('--save_results', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--evaluate_cxc', action='store_true')
opt = parser.parse_args()
opt.dataset = dataset
if opt.dataset == 'coco':
weights_bases = [
elif opt.dataset == 'f30k':
weights_bases = [
raise ValueError('Invalid dataset argument {}'.format(opt.dataset))
for base in weights_bases:
#model_path = os.path.join(base, 'model_best.pth')
model_path = os.path.join(base, 'checkpoint.pth')
if opt.save_results: # Save the final results for computing ensemble results
save_path = os.path.join(base, 'results_{}.npy'.format(opt.dataset))
save_path = None
if opt.dataset == 'coco':
if not opt.evaluate_cxc:
# Evaluate COCO 5-fold 1K
evalrank_f30k_coco2(model_path, data_path=opt.data_path, split='test', fold5=False)
# Evaluate COCO 5K
#evalrank_f30k_coco(model_path, data_path=opt.data_path, split='testall', fold5=False, save_path=save_path)
# Evaluate COCO-trained models on CxC
evalrank_f30k_coco2(model_path, data_path=opt.data_path, split='testall', fold5=True, cxc=True)
elif opt.dataset == 'f30k':
# Evaluate Flickr30K
evalrank_f30k_coco2(model_path, data_path=opt.data_path, split='test', fold5=False, save_path=save_path)
def evalrank_f30k_coco2(model_path, data_path=None, split='dev', fold5=False, save_path=None, cxc=False):
Evaluate a trained model on either dev or test. If `fold5=True`, 5 fold
cross-validation is done (only for MSCOCO). Otherwise, the full data is
used for evaluation.
# load model and options
checkpoint = torch.load(model_path)
opt = checkpoint['opt']
opt.workers = 5
if not hasattr(opt, 'caption_loss'):
opt.caption_loss = False
# load vocabulary used by the model
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
vocab = tokenizer.vocab
opt.vocab_size = len(vocab)
opt.backbone_path = '/tmp/data/weights/original_updown_backbone.pth'
if data_path is not None:
opt.data_path = data_path
# construct model
model = VSEModel(opt)
# load model state
# checkpoint2 = torch.load("./runs/bert_adam_bcan_gpo_vseinfty_bcan/model_best.pth.tar")
# # checkpoint2 = torch.load("../pycharmProject/runs/bigru_bcan_adam_mean_base2/model_best.pth.tar")
# opt2 = checkpoint2['opt']
# print(opt)
# # load vocabulary used by the model
# vocab = deserialize_vocab(os.path.join(opt2.vocab_path, '%s_vocab.json' % opt.data_name))
# word2idx = vocab.word2idx
# opt2.vocab_size = len(vocab)
# model2 = SCAN(word2idx, opt2)
# model2 = torch.nn.DataParallel(model2)
# model2.cuda()
# load model state
# print('Loading dataset')
# opt2.batch_size = 64
# data_loader2 = get_test_loader(split, opt2.data_name, vocab,
# opt2.batch_size, 0, opt2)
# print('Computing results...')
# img_embs2, img_means2, cap_embs2, cap_lens2, cap_means2 = encode_data(model2, data_loader2)
print('Loading dataset')
data_loader = image_caption.get_test_loader(split, opt.data_name, tokenizer,
opt.batch_size, opt.workers, opt)
print('Computing results...')
with torch.no_grad():
if opt.precomp_enc_type == 'basic':
img_embs, cap_embs = encode_data_vse(model, data_loader)
img_embs, cap_embs = encode_data_vse(model, data_loader, backbone=True)
print('Images: %d, Captions: %d' %
(img_embs.shape[0] / 5, cap_embs.shape[0]))
if cxc:
eval_cxc(img_embs, cap_embs, data_path)
if not fold5:
# no cross-validation, full evaluation
img_embs = np.array([img_embs[i] for i in range(0, len(img_embs), 5)])
start = time.time()
sims = compute_sim(img_embs, cap_embs)
#img_embs2 = np.array([img_embs2[i] for i in range(0, len(img_embs2), 5)])
# img_embs = np.array([img_embs[i] for i in range(0, len(img_embs), 20)])
# print(img_embs[:10])
#sims2 = shard_xattn(model2, img_embs2, img_means2, cap_embs2, cap_lens2, cap_means2, opt2, shard_size=500)
# sims = sims + sims2
# print(sims.shape)
npts = img_embs.shape[0]
if save_path is not None:
np.save(save_path, {'npts': npts, 'sims': sims})
print('Save the similarity into {}'.format(save_path))
end = time.time()
print("calculate similarity time: {}".format(end - start))
r, rt = i2t_vse(npts, sims, return_ranks=True)
ri, rti = t2i_vse(npts, sims, return_ranks=True)
ar = (r[0] + r[1] + r[2]) / 3
ari = (ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]) / 3
rsum = r[0] + r[1] + r[2] + ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]
print("rsum: %.1f" % rsum)
print("Average i2t Recall: %.1f" % ar)
print("Image to text: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" % r)
print("Average t2i Recall: %.1f" % ari)
print("Text to image: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" % ri)
# 5fold cross-validation, only for MSCOCO
results = []
for i in range(5):
img_embs_shard = img_embs[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000:5]
cap_embs_shard = cap_embs[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000]
start = time.time()
sims = compute_sim(img_embs_shard, cap_embs_shard)
end = time.time()
print("calculate similarity time: {}".format(end - start))
npts = img_embs_shard.shape[0]
r, rt0 = i2t_vse(npts, sims, return_ranks=True)
print("Image to text: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" % r)
ri, rti0 = t2i_vse(npts, sims, return_ranks=True)
print("Text to image: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" % ri)
if i == 0:
rt, rti = rt0, rti0
ar = (r[0] + r[1] + r[2]) / 3
ari = (ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]) / 3
rsum = r[0] + r[1] + r[2] + ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]
print("rsum: %.1f ar: %.1f ari: %.1f" % (rsum, ar, ari))
results += [list(r) + list(ri) + [ar, ari, rsum]]
print("Mean metrics: ")
mean_metrics = tuple(np.array(results).mean(axis=0).flatten())
print("rsum: %.1f" % (mean_metrics[12]))
print("Average i2t Recall: %.1f" % mean_metrics[10])
print("Image to text: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" %
print("Average t2i Recall: %.1f" % mean_metrics[11])
print("Text to image: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" %
def evalrank_f30k_coco(model_path, data_path=None, split='dev', fold5=False, save_path=None, cxc=False):
Evaluate a trained model on either dev or test. If `fold5=True`, 5 fold
cross-validation is done (only for MSCOCO). Otherwise, the full data is
used for evaluation.
# load model and options
checkpoint = torch.load(model_path)
opt = checkpoint['opt']
opt.workers = 5
if not hasattr(opt, 'caption_loss'):
opt.caption_loss = False
# load vocabulary used by the model
tokenizer = BertTokenizer.from_pretrained('bert-base-uncased')
vocab = tokenizer.vocab
opt.vocab_size = len(vocab)
opt.backbone_path = '/tmp/data/weights/original_updown_backbone.pth'
if data_path is not None:
opt.data_path = data_path
# construct model
model = VSEModel(opt)
# load model state
# checkpoint2 = torch.load("./runs/bert_adam_bcan_gpo_vseinfty_bcan/model_best.pth.tar")
# # checkpoint2 = torch.load("../pycharmProject/runs/bigru_bcan_adam_mean_base2/model_best.pth.tar")
# opt2 = checkpoint2['opt']
# print(opt)
# # load vocabulary used by the model
# vocab = deserialize_vocab(os.path.join(opt2.vocab_path, '%s_vocab.json' % opt.data_name))
# word2idx = vocab.word2idx
# opt2.vocab_size = len(vocab)
# model2 = SCAN(word2idx, opt2)
# model2 = torch.nn.DataParallel(model2)
# model2.cuda()
# load model state
# print('Loading dataset')
# opt2.batch_size = 64
# data_loader2 = get_test_loader(split, opt2.data_name, vocab,
# opt2.batch_size, 0, opt2)
# print('Computing results...')
# img_embs2, img_means2, cap_embs2, cap_lens2, cap_means2 = encode_data(model2, data_loader2)
print('Loading dataset')
data_loader = image_caption.get_test_loader(split, opt.data_name, tokenizer,
opt.batch_size, opt.workers, opt)
print('Computing results...')
with torch.no_grad():
if opt.precomp_enc_type == 'basic':
img_embs, cap_embs = encode_data_vse(model, data_loader)
img_embs, cap_embs = encode_data_vse(model, data_loader, backbone=True)
print('Images: %d, Captions: %d' %
(img_embs.shape[0] / 5, cap_embs.shape[0]))
if cxc:
eval_cxc(img_embs, cap_embs, data_path)
if not fold5:
# no cross-validation, full evaluation
img_embs = np.array([img_embs[i] for i in range(0, len(img_embs), 5)])
start = time.time()
sims = compute_sim(img_embs, cap_embs)
#img_embs2 = np.array([img_embs2[i] for i in range(0, len(img_embs2), 5)])
# img_embs = np.array([img_embs[i] for i in range(0, len(img_embs), 20)])
# print(img_embs[:10])
#sims2 = shard_xattn(model2, img_embs2, img_means2, cap_embs2, cap_lens2, cap_means2, opt2, shard_size=500)
# sims = sims + sims2
# print(sims.shape)
npts = img_embs.shape[0]
if save_path is not None:
np.save(save_path, {'npts': npts, 'sims': sims})
print('Save the similarity into {}'.format(save_path))
end = time.time()
print("calculate similarity time: {}".format(end - start))
r, rt = i2t_vse(npts, sims, return_ranks=True)
ri, rti = t2i_vse(npts, sims, return_ranks=True)
ar = (r[0] + r[1] + r[2]) / 3
ari = (ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]) / 3
rsum = r[0] + r[1] + r[2] + ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]
print("rsum: %.1f" % rsum)
print("Average i2t Recall: %.1f" % ar)
print("Image to text: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" % r)
print("Average t2i Recall: %.1f" % ari)
print("Text to image: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" % ri)
# 5fold cross-validation, only for MSCOCO
results = []
for i in range(5):
img_embs_shard = img_embs[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000:5]
cap_embs_shard = cap_embs[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000]
start = time.time()
sims = compute_sim(img_embs_shard, cap_embs_shard)
end = time.time()
print("calculate similarity time: {}".format(end - start))
npts = img_embs_shard.shape[0]
r, rt0 = i2t_vse(npts, sims, return_ranks=True)
print("Image to text: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" % r)
ri, rti0 = t2i_vse(npts, sims, return_ranks=True)
print("Text to image: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" % ri)
if i == 0:
rt, rti = rt0, rti0
ar = (r[0] + r[1] + r[2]) / 3
ari = (ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]) / 3
rsum = r[0] + r[1] + r[2] + ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]
print("rsum: %.1f ar: %.1f ari: %.1f" % (rsum, ar, ari))
results += [list(r) + list(ri) + [ar, ari, rsum]]
print("Mean metrics: ")
mean_metrics = tuple(np.array(results).mean(axis=0).flatten())
print("rsum: %.1f" % (mean_metrics[12]))
print("Average i2t Recall: %.1f" % mean_metrics[10])
print("Image to text: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" %
print("Average t2i Recall: %.1f" % mean_metrics[11])
print("Text to image: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" %
def evalrank(model_path, data_path=None, split='dev', fold5=False):
Evaluate a trained model on either dev or test. If `fold5=True`, 5 fold
cross-validation is done (only for MSCOCO). Otherwise, the full data is
used for evaluation.
# load model and options
checkpoint = torch.load(model_path)
opt = checkpoint['opt']
if data_path is not None:
opt.data_path = data_path
# load vocabulary used by the model
vocab = deserialize_vocab(os.path.join(opt.vocab_path, '%s_vocab.json' % opt.data_name))
word2idx = vocab.word2idx
opt.vocab_size = len(vocab)
model = SCAN(word2idx, opt)
model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model)
# load model state
print('Loading dataset')
opt.batch_size = 64
data_loader = get_test_loader(split, opt.data_name, vocab,
opt.batch_size, 2, opt)
print('Computing results...')
img_embs, img_means, cap_embs, cap_lens, cap_means= encode_data(model, data_loader)
print(img_embs.shape, cap_embs.shape)
print('Images: %d, Captions: %d' %
(img_embs.shape[0] / 5, cap_embs.shape[0]))
if not fold5:
# no cross-validation, full evaluation
img_embs = np.array([img_embs[i] for i in range(0, len(img_embs), 5)])
#img_embs = np.array([img_embs[i] for i in range(0, len(img_embs), 20)])
start = time.time()
sims = shard_xattn(model, img_embs, img_means, cap_embs, cap_lens, cap_means,opt, shard_size=500)
# np.save('f30k_dev', sims)
end = time.time()
print("calculate similarity time:", end - start)
r, rt = i2t(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims, return_ranks=True)
ri, rti = t2i(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims, return_ranks=True)
# shuffle_test
# r, rt = i2t_shuffle(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims, return_ranks=True)
# ri, rti = t2i_shuffle(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims, return_ranks=True)
ar = (r[0] + r[1] + r[2]) / 3
ari = (ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]) / 3
rsum = r[0] + r[1] + r[2] + ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]
print("rsum: %.1f" % rsum)
print("Average i2t Recall: %.1f" % ar)
print("Image to text: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" % r)
print("Average t2i Recall: %.1f" % ari)
print("Text to image: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" % ri)
for ele in sims[:10]:
inds = np.argsort(ele)[::-1]
inds = np.argsort(sims[1])[::-1]
# 5fold cross-validation, only for MSCOCO
results = []
for i in range(5):
img_embs_shard = img_embs[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000:5]
img_means_shard = img_means[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000:5]
cap_embs_shard = cap_embs[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000]
cap_lens_shard = cap_lens[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000]
cap_means_shard = cap_means[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000]
start = time.time()
sims = shard_xattn(model, img_embs_shard, img_means_shard, cap_embs_shard, cap_lens_shard, cap_means_shard, opt, shard_size=128)
end = time.time()
print("calculate similarity time:", end - start)
r, rt0 = i2t(img_embs_shard, cap_embs_shard, cap_lens_shard, sims, return_ranks=True)
print("Image to text: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" % r)
ri, rti0 = t2i(img_embs_shard, cap_embs_shard, cap_lens_shard, sims, return_ranks=True)
print("Text to image: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" % ri)
if i == 0:
rt, rti = rt0, rti0
ar = (r[0] + r[1] + r[2]) / 3
ari = (ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]) / 3
rsum = r[0] + r[1] + r[2] + ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]
print("rsum: %.1f ar: %.1f ari: %.1f" % (rsum, ar, ari))
results += [list(r) + list(ri) + [ar, ari, rsum]]
print("Mean metrics: ")
mean_metrics = tuple(np.array(results).mean(axis=0).flatten())
print("rsum: %.1f" % (mean_metrics[10] * 6))
print("Average i2t Recall: %.1f" % mean_metrics[11])
print("Image to text: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" %
print("Average t2i Recall: %.1f" % mean_metrics[12])
print("Text to image: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" %
torch.save({'rt': rt, 'rti': rti}, 'ranks.pth.tar')
def evalrank_fanhua(model_path, data_path=None, split='dev', fold5=False):
Evaluate a trained model on either dev or test. If `fold5=True`, 5 fold
cross-validation is done (only for MSCOCO). Otherwise, the full data is
used for evaluation.
# load model and options
checkpoint = torch.load(model_path)
opt = checkpoint['opt']
if data_path is not None:
opt.data_path = data_path
# load vocabulary used by the model
vocab = deserialize_vocab(os.path.join(opt.vocab_path, '%s_vocab.json' % opt.data_name))
word2idx = vocab.word2idx
opt.vocab_size = len(vocab)
model = SCAN(word2idx, opt)
model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model)
# load model state
print('Loading dataset')
opt.batch_size = 64
data_loader = get_test_loader(split, "f30k_precomp", vocab,
opt.batch_size, 2, opt)
print('Computing results...')
img_embs, img_means, cap_embs, cap_lens, cap_means= encode_data(model, data_loader)
print(img_embs.shape, cap_embs.shape)
print('Images: %d, Captions: %d' %
(img_embs.shape[0] / 5, cap_embs.shape[0]))
if not fold5:
# no cross-validation, full evaluation
img_embs = np.array([img_embs[i] for i in range(0, len(img_embs), 5)])
#img_embs = np.array([img_embs[i] for i in range(0, len(img_embs), 20)])
start = time.time()
sims = shard_xattn(model, img_embs, img_means, cap_embs, cap_lens, cap_means,opt, shard_size=500)
# np.save('f30k_dev', sims)
end = time.time()
print("calculate similarity time:", end - start)
r, rt = i2t(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims, return_ranks=True)
ri, rti = t2i(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims, return_ranks=True)
# shuffle_test
# r, rt = i2t_shuffle(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims, return_ranks=True)
# ri, rti = t2i_shuffle(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims, return_ranks=True)
ar = (r[0] + r[1] + r[2]) / 3
ari = (ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]) / 3
rsum = r[0] + r[1] + r[2] + ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]
print("rsum: %.1f" % rsum)
print("Average i2t Recall: %.1f" % ar)
print("Image to text: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" % r)
print("Average t2i Recall: %.1f" % ari)
print("Text to image: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" % ri)
for ele in sims[:10]:
inds = np.argsort(ele)[::-1]
inds = np.argsort(sims[1])[::-1]
# 5fold cross-validation, only for MSCOCO
results = []
for i in range(5):
img_embs_shard = img_embs[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000:5]
img_means_shard = img_means[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000:5]
cap_embs_shard = cap_embs[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000]
cap_lens_shard = cap_lens[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000]
cap_means_shard = cap_means[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000]
start = time.time()
sims = shard_xattn(model, img_embs_shard, img_means_shard, cap_embs_shard, cap_lens_shard, cap_means_shard, opt, shard_size=128)
end = time.time()
print("calculate similarity time:", end - start)
r, rt0 = i2t(img_embs_shard, cap_embs_shard, cap_lens_shard, sims, return_ranks=True)
print("Image to text: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" % r)
ri, rti0 = t2i(img_embs_shard, cap_embs_shard, cap_lens_shard, sims, return_ranks=True)
print("Text to image: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" % ri)
if i == 0:
rt, rti = rt0, rti0
ar = (r[0] + r[1] + r[2]) / 3
ari = (ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]) / 3
rsum = r[0] + r[1] + r[2] + ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]
print("rsum: %.1f ar: %.1f ari: %.1f" % (rsum, ar, ari))
results += [list(r) + list(ri) + [ar, ari, rsum]]
print("Mean metrics: ")
mean_metrics = tuple(np.array(results).mean(axis=0).flatten())
print("rsum: %.1f" % (mean_metrics[10] * 6))
print("Average i2t Recall: %.1f" % mean_metrics[11])
print("Image to text: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" %
print("Average t2i Recall: %.1f" % mean_metrics[12])
print("Text to image: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" %
torch.save({'rt': rt, 'rti': rti}, 'ranks.pth.tar')
def evalrank2(model_path, data_path=None, split='dev', fold5=False):
Evaluate a trained model on either dev or test. If `fold5=True`, 5 fold
cross-validation is done (only for MSCOCO). Otherwise, the full data is
used for evaluation.
# load model and options
checkpoint = torch.load(model_path)
#checkpoint2 = torch.load("../pycharmProject/runs/bigru_bcan_adam_mean_base2/model_best.pth.tar")
#checkpoint2 = torch.load("../bcan_gpo/runs/bigru_adam_bcan_mean2/model_best.pth.tar")
checkpoint2 = torch.load("../bcan_gpo/runs/bigru_adam_bcan_mean/model_best.pth.tar")
opt = checkpoint['opt']
opt2 = checkpoint2['opt']
if data_path is not None:
opt.data_path = data_path
# load vocabulary used by the model
vocab = deserialize_vocab(os.path.join(opt.vocab_path, '%s_vocab.json' % opt.data_name))
word2idx = vocab.word2idx
opt.vocab_size = len(vocab)
model = SCAN(word2idx, opt)
model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model)
model2 = SCAN2(word2idx, opt2)
model2 = torch.nn.DataParallel(model2)
# load model state
print('Loading dataset')
opt.batch_size = 64
data_loader = get_test_loader(split, opt.data_name, vocab,
opt.batch_size, 0, opt)
data_loader2 = get_test_loader2(split, opt.data_name, vocab,
opt.batch_size, 0, opt)
print('Computing results...')
img_embs, img_means, cap_embs, cap_lens, cap_means= encode_data(model, data_loader)
img_embs2, img_means2, cap_embs2, cap_lens2, cap_means2 = encode_data2(model2, data_loader2)
print(img_embs.shape, cap_embs.shape)
print('Images: %d, Captions: %d' %
(img_embs.shape[0] / 5, cap_embs.shape[0]))
if not fold5:
# no cross-validation, full evaluation
img_embs = np.array([img_embs[i] for i in range(0, len(img_embs), 5)])
img_embs2 = np.array([img_embs2[i] for i in range(0, len(img_embs2), 5)])
#img_embs = np.array([img_embs[i] for i in range(0, len(img_embs), 20)])
start = time.time()
sims = shard_xattn(model, img_embs, img_means, cap_embs, cap_lens, cap_means,opt, shard_size=500)
sims2 = shard_xattn(model2, img_embs2, img_means2, cap_embs2, cap_lens2, cap_means2, opt2, shard_size=500)
sims = sims + sims2
# np.save('f30k_dev', sims)
end = time.time()
print("calculate similarity time:", end - start)
r, rt = i2t(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims, return_ranks=True)
ri, rti = t2i(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims, return_ranks=True)
# shuffle_test
# r, rt = i2t_shuffle(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims, return_ranks=True)
# ri, rti = t2i_shuffle(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims, return_ranks=True)
ar = (r[0] + r[1] + r[2]) / 3
ari = (ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]) / 3
rsum = r[0] + r[1] + r[2] + ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]
print("rsum: %.1f" % rsum)
print("Average i2t Recall: %.1f" % ar)
print("Image to text: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" % r)
print("Average t2i Recall: %.1f" % ari)
print("Text to image: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" % ri)
for ele in sims[:10]:
inds = np.argsort(ele)[::-1]
inds = np.argsort(sims[1])[::-1]
# 5fold cross-validation, only for MSCOCO
results = []
for i in range(5):
img_embs_shard = img_embs[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000:5]
img_means_shard = img_means[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000:5]
cap_embs_shard = cap_embs[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000]
cap_lens_shard = cap_lens[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000]
cap_means_shard = cap_means[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000]
start = time.time()
sims = shard_xattn(model, img_embs_shard, img_means_shard, cap_embs_shard, cap_lens_shard, cap_means_shard, opt, shard_size=128)
end = time.time()
print("calculate similarity time:", end - start)
r, rt0 = i2t(img_embs_shard, cap_embs_shard, cap_lens_shard, sims, return_ranks=True)
print("Image to text: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" % r)
ri, rti0 = t2i(img_embs_shard, cap_embs_shard, cap_lens_shard, sims, return_ranks=True)
print("Text to image: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" % ri)
if i == 0:
rt, rti = rt0, rti0
ar = (r[0] + r[1] + r[2]) / 3
ari = (ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]) / 3
rsum = r[0] + r[1] + r[2] + ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]
print("rsum: %.1f ar: %.1f ari: %.1f" % (rsum, ar, ari))
results += [list(r) + list(ri) + [ar, ari, rsum]]
print("Mean metrics: ")
mean_metrics = tuple(np.array(results).mean(axis=0).flatten())
print("rsum: %.1f" % (mean_metrics[10] * 6))
print("Average i2t Recall: %.1f" % mean_metrics[11])
print("Image to text: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" %
print("Average t2i Recall: %.1f" % mean_metrics[12])
print("Text to image: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" %
torch.save({'rt': rt, 'rti': rti}, 'ranks.pth.tar')
def evalrank_avgpool(model_path, data_path=None, split='dev', fold5=False):
Evaluate a trained model on either dev or test. If `fold5=True`, 5 fold
cross-validation is done (only for MSCOCO). Otherwise, the full data is
used for evaluation.
# load model and options
checkpoint = torch.load(model_path)
#checkpoint2 = torch.load("../pycharmProject/runs/bigru_bcan_adam_mean_base2/model_best.pth.tar")
checkpoint2 = torch.load("../bcan_gpo/runs/bigru_adam_bcan_mean2/model_best.pth.tar")
opt = checkpoint['opt']
opt2 = checkpoint2['opt']
if data_path is not None:
opt.data_path = data_path
# load vocabulary used by the model
vocab = deserialize_vocab(os.path.join(opt.vocab_path, '%s_vocab.json' % opt.data_name))
word2idx = vocab.word2idx
opt.vocab_size = len(vocab)
model = SCAN(word2idx, opt)
model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model)
model2 = SCAN2(word2idx, opt2)
model2 = torch.nn.DataParallel(model2)
# load model state
print('Loading dataset')
opt.batch_size = 64
data_loader = get_test_loader(split, opt.data_name, vocab,
opt.batch_size, 0, opt)
data_loader2 = get_test_loader2(split, opt.data_name, vocab,
opt.batch_size, 0, opt)
print('Computing results...')
img_embs, img_means, cap_embs, cap_lens, cap_means= encode_data(model, data_loader)
img_embs2, img_means2, cap_embs2, cap_lens2, cap_means2 = encode_data2(model2, data_loader2)
print(img_embs.shape, cap_embs.shape)
print('Images: %d, Captions: %d' %
(img_embs.shape[0] / 5, cap_embs.shape[0]))
if not fold5:
# no cross-validation, full evaluation
img_embs = np.array([img_embs[i] for i in range(0, len(img_embs), 5)])
img_embs2 = np.array([img_embs2[i] for i in range(0, len(img_embs2), 5)])
#img_embs = np.array([img_embs[i] for i in range(0, len(img_embs), 20)])
start = time.time()
sims = shard_xattn(model, img_embs, img_means, cap_embs, cap_lens, cap_means,opt, shard_size=500)
sims2 = shard_xattn(model2, img_embs2, img_means2, cap_embs2, cap_lens2, cap_means2, opt2, shard_size=500)
sims = sims + sims2
# np.save('f30k_dev', sims)
end = time.time()
print("calculate similarity time:", end - start)
r, rt = i2t(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims, return_ranks=True)
ri, rti = t2i(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims, return_ranks=True)
# shuffle_test
# r, rt = i2t_shuffle(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims, return_ranks=True)
# ri, rti = t2i_shuffle(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims, return_ranks=True)
ar = (r[0] + r[1] + r[2]) / 3
ari = (ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]) / 3
rsum = r[0] + r[1] + r[2] + ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]
print("rsum: %.1f" % rsum)
print("Average i2t Recall: %.1f" % ar)
print("Image to text: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" % r)
print("Average t2i Recall: %.1f" % ari)
print("Text to image: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" % ri)
for ele in sims[:10]:
inds = np.argsort(ele)[::-1]
inds = np.argsort(sims[1])[::-1]
# 5fold cross-validation, only for MSCOCO
results = []
for i in range(5):
img_embs_shard = img_embs[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000:5]
img_means_shard = img_means[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000:5]
cap_embs_shard = cap_embs[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000]
cap_lens_shard = cap_lens[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000]
cap_means_shard = cap_means[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000]
start = time.time()
sims = shard_xattn(model, img_embs_shard, img_means_shard, cap_embs_shard, cap_lens_shard, cap_means_shard, opt, shard_size=128)
end = time.time()
print("calculate similarity time:", end - start)
r, rt0 = i2t(img_embs_shard, cap_embs_shard, cap_lens_shard, sims, return_ranks=True)
print("Image to text: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" % r)
ri, rti0 = t2i(img_embs_shard, cap_embs_shard, cap_lens_shard, sims, return_ranks=True)
print("Text to image: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" % ri)
if i == 0:
rt, rti = rt0, rti0
ar = (r[0] + r[1] + r[2]) / 3
ari = (ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]) / 3
rsum = r[0] + r[1] + r[2] + ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]
print("rsum: %.1f ar: %.1f ari: %.1f" % (rsum, ar, ari))
results += [list(r) + list(ri) + [ar, ari, rsum]]
print("Mean metrics: ")
mean_metrics = tuple(np.array(results).mean(axis=0).flatten())
print("rsum: %.1f" % (mean_metrics[10] * 6))
print("Average i2t Recall: %.1f" % mean_metrics[11])
print("Image to text: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" %
print("Average t2i Recall: %.1f" % mean_metrics[12])
print("Text to image: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" %
torch.save({'rt': rt, 'rti': rti}, 'ranks.pth.tar')
def evalrank_maxpool(model_path, data_path=None, split='dev', fold5=False):
Evaluate a trained model on either dev or test. If `fold5=True`, 5 fold
cross-validation is done (only for MSCOCO). Otherwise, the full data is
used for evaluation.
# load model and options
checkpoint = torch.load(model_path)
#checkpoint2 = torch.load("../pycharmProject/runs/bigru_bcan_adam_mean_base2/model_best.pth.tar")
checkpoint2 = torch.load("../bcan_gpo/runs/bigru_bcan_adam_max_36/model_best.pth.tar")
opt = checkpoint['opt']
opt2 = checkpoint2['opt']
if data_path is not None:
opt.data_path = data_path
# load vocabulary used by the model
vocab = deserialize_vocab(os.path.join(opt.vocab_path, '%s_vocab.json' % opt.data_name))
word2idx = vocab.word2idx
opt.vocab_size = len(vocab)
model = SCAN(word2idx, opt)
model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model)
model2 = SCAN3(word2idx, opt2)
model2 = torch.nn.DataParallel(model2)
# load model state
print('Loading dataset')
opt.batch_size = 64
data_loader = get_test_loader(split, opt.data_name, vocab,
opt.batch_size, 0, opt)
data_loader2 = get_test_loader2(split, opt.data_name, vocab,
opt.batch_size, 0, opt)
print('Computing results...')
img_embs, img_means, cap_embs, cap_lens, cap_means= encode_data(model, data_loader)
img_embs2, img_means2, cap_embs2, cap_lens2, cap_means2 = encode_data2(model2, data_loader2)
print(img_embs.shape, cap_embs.shape)
print('Images: %d, Captions: %d' %
(img_embs.shape[0] / 5, cap_embs.shape[0]))
if not fold5:
# no cross-validation, full evaluation
img_embs = np.array([img_embs[i] for i in range(0, len(img_embs), 5)])
img_embs2 = np.array([img_embs2[i] for i in range(0, len(img_embs2), 5)])
#img_embs = np.array([img_embs[i] for i in range(0, len(img_embs), 20)])
start = time.time()
sims = shard_xattn(model, img_embs, img_means, cap_embs, cap_lens, cap_means,opt, shard_size=500)
sims2 = shard_xattn(model2, img_embs2, img_means2, cap_embs2, cap_lens2, cap_means2, opt2, shard_size=500)
sims = sims + sims2
# np.save('f30k_dev', sims)
end = time.time()
print("calculate similarity time:", end - start)
r, rt = i2t(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims, return_ranks=True)
ri, rti = t2i(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims, return_ranks=True)
# shuffle_test
# r, rt = i2t_shuffle(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims, return_ranks=True)
# ri, rti = t2i_shuffle(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims, return_ranks=True)
ar = (r[0] + r[1] + r[2]) / 3
ari = (ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]) / 3
rsum = r[0] + r[1] + r[2] + ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]
print("rsum: %.1f" % rsum)
print("Average i2t Recall: %.1f" % ar)
print("Image to text: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" % r)
print("Average t2i Recall: %.1f" % ari)
print("Text to image: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" % ri)
for ele in sims[:10]:
inds = np.argsort(ele)[::-1]
inds = np.argsort(sims[1])[::-1]
# 5fold cross-validation, only for MSCOCO
results = []
for i in range(5):
img_embs_shard = img_embs[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000:5]
img_means_shard = img_means[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000:5]
cap_embs_shard = cap_embs[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000]
cap_lens_shard = cap_lens[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000]
cap_means_shard = cap_means[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000]
start = time.time()
sims = shard_xattn(model, img_embs_shard, img_means_shard, cap_embs_shard, cap_lens_shard, cap_means_shard, opt, shard_size=128)
end = time.time()
print("calculate similarity time:", end - start)
r, rt0 = i2t(img_embs_shard, cap_embs_shard, cap_lens_shard, sims, return_ranks=True)
print("Image to text: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" % r)
ri, rti0 = t2i(img_embs_shard, cap_embs_shard, cap_lens_shard, sims, return_ranks=True)
print("Text to image: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" % ri)
if i == 0:
rt, rti = rt0, rti0
ar = (r[0] + r[1] + r[2]) / 3
ari = (ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]) / 3
rsum = r[0] + r[1] + r[2] + ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]
print("rsum: %.1f ar: %.1f ari: %.1f" % (rsum, ar, ari))
results += [list(r) + list(ri) + [ar, ari, rsum]]
print("Mean metrics: ")
mean_metrics = tuple(np.array(results).mean(axis=0).flatten())
print("rsum: %.1f" % (mean_metrics[10] * 6))
print("Average i2t Recall: %.1f" % mean_metrics[11])
print("Image to text: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" %
print("Average t2i Recall: %.1f" % mean_metrics[12])
print("Text to image: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" %
torch.save({'rt': rt, 'rti': rti}, 'ranks.pth.tar')
def evalrank3(model_path, data_path=None, split='dev', fold5=False):
Evaluate a trained model on either dev or test. If `fold5=True`, 5 fold
cross-validation is done (only for MSCOCO). Otherwise, the full data is
used for evaluation.
# load model and options
checkpoint = torch.load(model_path)
opt = checkpoint['opt']
if data_path is not None:
opt.data_path = data_path
# load vocabulary used by the model
vocab = deserialize_vocab(os.path.join(opt.vocab_path, '%s_vocab.json' % opt.data_name))
word2idx = vocab.word2idx
opt.vocab_size = len(vocab)
model = SCAN2(word2idx, opt)
model = torch.nn.DataParallel(model)
# load model state
print('Loading dataset')
data_loader = get_test_loader2(split, opt.data_name, vocab,
opt.batch_size, 0, opt)
print('Computing results...')
img_embs, img_means, cap_embs, cap_lens, cap_means= encode_data2(model, data_loader)
print(img_embs.shape, cap_embs.shape)
print('Images: %d, Captions: %d' %
(img_embs.shape[0] / 5, cap_embs.shape[0]))
if not fold5:
# no cross-validation, full evaluation
img_embs = np.array([img_embs[i] for i in range(0, len(img_embs), 5)])
start = time.time()
sims = shard_xattn(model, img_embs, img_means, cap_embs, cap_lens, cap_means,opt, shard_size=500)
# np.save('f30k_dev', sims)
end = time.time()
print("calculate similarity time:", end - start)
r, rt = i2t(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims, return_ranks=True)
ri, rti = t2i(img_embs, cap_embs, cap_lens, sims, return_ranks=True)
ar = (r[0] + r[1] + r[2]) / 3
ari = (ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]) / 3
rsum = r[0] + r[1] + r[2] + ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]
print("rsum: %.1f" % rsum)
print("Average i2t Recall: %.1f" % ar)
print("Image to text: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" % r)
print("Average t2i Recall: %.1f" % ari)
print("Text to image: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" % ri)
for ele in sims[:10]:
inds = np.argsort(ele)[::-1]
inds = np.argsort(sims[1])[::-1]
# 5fold cross-validation, only for MSCOCO
results = []
for i in range(5):
img_embs_shard = img_embs[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000:5]
img_means_shard = img_means[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000:5]
cap_embs_shard = cap_embs[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000]
cap_lens_shard = cap_lens[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000]
cap_means_shard = cap_means[i * 5000:(i + 1) * 5000]
start = time.time()
sims = shard_xattn(model, img_embs_shard, img_means_shard, cap_embs_shard, cap_lens_shard, cap_means_shard, opt, shard_size=128)
end = time.time()
print("calculate similarity time:", end - start)
r, rt0 = i2t(img_embs_shard, cap_embs_shard, cap_lens_shard, sims, return_ranks=True)
print("Image to text: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" % r)
ri, rti0 = t2i(img_embs_shard, cap_embs_shard, cap_lens_shard, sims, return_ranks=True)
print("Text to image: %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f, %.1f" % ri)
if i == 0:
rt, rti = rt0, rti0
ar = (r[0] + r[1] + r[2]) / 3
ari = (ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]) / 3
rsum = r[0] + r[1] + r[2] + ri[0] + ri[1] + ri[2]
print("rsum: %.1f ar: %.1f ari: %.1f" % (rsum, ar, ari))
results += [list(r) + list(ri) + [ar, ari, rsum]]
print("Mean metrics: ")
mean_metrics = tuple(np.array(results).mean(axis=0).flatten())
print("rsum: %.1f" % (mean_metrics[10] * 6))
print("Average i2t Recall: %.1f" % mean_metrics[11])
print("Image to text: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" %
print("Average t2i Recall: %.1f" % mean_metrics[12])
print("Text to image: %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f %.1f" %
torch.save({'rt': rt, 'rti': rti}, 'ranks.pth.tar')
def shard_xattn(model, images, img_means, captions, caplens, cap_means, opt, shard_size=128):
Computer pairwise t2i image-caption distance with locality sharding
n_im_shard = (len(images) - 1) // shard_size + 1
n_cap_shard = (len(captions) - 1) // shard_size + 1
d = np.zeros((len(images), len(captions)))
for i in range(n_im_shard):
im_start, im_end = shard_size * i, min(shard_size * (i + 1), len(images))
im = Variable(torch.from_numpy(images[im_start:im_end]), volatile=True).float().cuda()
im_m = Variable(torch.from_numpy(img_means[im_start:im_end]), volatile=True).float().cuda()
for j in range(n_cap_shard):
sys.stdout.write('\r>> shard_xattn_t2i batch (%d,%d)' % (i, j))
cap_start, cap_end = shard_size * j, min(shard_size * (j + 1), len(captions))
# im = Variable(torch.from_numpy(images[im_start:im_end]), volatile=True).float().cuda()
# im_m = Variable(torch.from_numpy(img_means[im_start:im_end]), volatile=True).float().cuda()
s_m = Variable(torch.from_numpy(cap_means[cap_start:cap_end]), volatile=True).float().cuda()
s = Variable(torch.from_numpy(captions[cap_start:cap_end]), volatile=True).float().cuda()
l = caplens[cap_start:cap_end]
with torch.no_grad():
sim = model.module.forward_sim(im, im_m, s, l, s_m)
# sim = model.xattn_score_t2i2(im, s, l)
d[im_start:im_end, cap_start:cap_end] = sim.data.cpu().numpy()
return d
def i2t(images, captions, caplens, sims, npts=None, return_ranks=False):
Images->Text (Image Annotation)
Images: (N, n_region, d) matrix of images
Captions: (5N, max_n_word, d) matrix of captions
CapLens: (5N) array of caption lengths
sims: (N, 5N) matrix of similarity im-cap
npts = images.shape[0]
ranks = np.zeros(npts)
top1 = np.zeros(npts)
for index in range(npts):
inds = np.argsort(sims[index])[::-1]
# Score
rank = 1e20
for i in range(5 * index, 5 * index + 5, 1):
# print(inds, i, index, npts)
tmp = np.where(inds == i)[0][0]
if tmp < rank:
rank = tmp
ranks[index] = rank
top1[index] = inds[0]
# Compute metrics
r1 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 1)[0]) / len(ranks)
r5 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 5)[0]) / len(ranks)
r10 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 10)[0]) / len(ranks)
medr = np.floor(np.median(ranks)) + 1
meanr = ranks.mean() + 1
if return_ranks:
return (r1, r5, r10, medr, meanr), (ranks, top1)
return (r1, r5, r10, medr, meanr)
def t2i(images, captions, caplens, sims, npts=None, return_ranks=False):
Text->Images (Image Search)
Images: (N, n_region, d) matrix of images
Captions: (5N, max_n_word, d) matrix of captions
CapLens: (5N) array of caption lengths
sims: (N, 5N) matrix of similarity im-cap
npts = images.shape[0]
ranks = np.zeros(5 * npts)
top1 = np.zeros(5 * npts)
# --> (5N(caption), N(image))
sims = sims.T
for index in range(npts):
for i in range(5):
inds = np.argsort(sims[5 * index + i])[::-1]
ranks[5 * index + i] = np.where(inds == index)[0][0]
top1[5 * index + i] = inds[0]
# Compute metrics
r1 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 1)[0]) / len(ranks)
r5 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 5)[0]) / len(ranks)
r10 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 10)[0]) / len(ranks)
medr = np.floor(np.median(ranks)) + 1
meanr = ranks.mean() + 1
if return_ranks:
return (r1, r5, r10, medr, meanr), (ranks, top1)
return (r1, r5, r10, medr, meanr)
def i2t_shuffle(images, captions, caplens, sims, npts=None, return_ranks=False):
Images->Text (Image Annotation)
Images: (N, n_region, d) matrix of images
Captions: (5N, max_n_word, d) matrix of captions
CapLens: (5N) array of caption lengths
sims: (N, 5N) matrix of similarity im-cap
npts = images.shape[0]
ranks = np.zeros(npts)
top1 = np.zeros(npts)
for index in range(npts):
inds = np.argsort(sims[index])[::-1]
# Score
rank = 1e20
for i in range(20 * index, 20 * index + 20, 1):
# print(inds, i, index, npts)
tmp = np.where(inds == i)[0][0]
if tmp < rank:
rank = tmp
ranks[index] = rank
top1[index] = inds[0]
# Compute metrics
r1 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 1)[0]) / len(ranks)
r5 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 5)[0]) / len(ranks)
r10 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 10)[0]) / len(ranks)
medr = np.floor(np.median(ranks)) + 1
meanr = ranks.mean() + 1
if return_ranks:
return (r1, r5, r10, medr, meanr), (ranks, top1)
return (r1, r5, r10, medr, meanr)
def t2i_shuffle(images, captions, caplens, sims, npts=None, return_ranks=False):
Text->Images (Image Search)
Images: (N, n_region, d) matrix of images
Captions: (5N, max_n_word, d) matrix of captions
CapLens: (5N) array of caption lengths
sims: (N, 5N) matrix of similarity im-cap
npts = images.shape[0]
ranks = np.zeros(20 * npts)
top1 = np.zeros(20 * npts)
# --> (5N(caption), N(image))
sims = sims.T
for index in range(npts):
for i in range(20):
inds = np.argsort(sims[20 * index + i])[::-1]
ranks[20 * index + i] = np.where(inds == index)[0][0]
top1[20 * index + i] = inds[0]
# Compute metrics
r1 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 1)[0]) / len(ranks)
r5 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 5)[0]) / len(ranks)
r10 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 10)[0]) / len(ranks)
medr = np.floor(np.median(ranks)) + 1
meanr = ranks.mean() + 1
if return_ranks:
return (r1, r5, r10, medr, meanr), (ranks, top1)
return (r1, r5, r10, medr, meanr)
def i2t_vse(npts, sims, return_ranks=False, mode='coco'):
Images->Text (Image Annotation)
Images: (N, n_region, d) matrix of images
Captions: (5N, max_n_word, d) matrix of captions
CapLens: (5N) array of caption lengths
sims: (N, 5N) matrix of similarity im-cap
ranks = np.zeros(npts)
top1 = np.zeros(npts)
for index in range(npts):
inds = np.argsort(sims[index])[::-1]
if mode == 'coco':
rank = 1e20
for i in range(5 * index, 5 * index + 5, 1):
tmp = np.where(inds == i)[0][0]
if tmp < rank:
rank = tmp
ranks[index] = rank
top1[index] = inds[0]
rank = np.where(inds == index)[0][0]
ranks[index] = rank
top1[index] = inds[0]
# Compute metrics
r1 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 1)[0]) / len(ranks)
r5 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 5)[0]) / len(ranks)
r10 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 10)[0]) / len(ranks)
medr = np.floor(np.median(ranks)) + 1
meanr = ranks.mean() + 1
if return_ranks:
return (r1, r5, r10, medr, meanr), (ranks, top1)
return (r1, r5, r10, medr, meanr)
def t2i_vse(npts, sims, return_ranks=False, mode='coco'):
Text->Images (Image Search)
Images: (N, n_region, d) matrix of images
Captions: (5N, max_n_word, d) matrix of captions
CapLens: (5N) array of caption lengths
sims: (N, 5N) matrix of similarity im-cap
# npts = images.shape[0]
if mode == 'coco':
ranks = np.zeros(5 * npts)
top1 = np.zeros(5 * npts)
ranks = np.zeros(npts)
top1 = np.zeros(npts)
# --> (5N(caption), N(image))
sims = sims.T
for index in range(npts):
if mode == 'coco':
for i in range(5):
inds = np.argsort(sims[5 * index + i])[::-1]
ranks[5 * index + i] = np.where(inds == index)[0][0]
top1[5 * index + i] = inds[0]
inds = np.argsort(sims[index])[::-1]
ranks[index] = np.where(inds == index)[0][0]
top1[index] = inds[0]
# Compute metrics
r1 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 1)[0]) / len(ranks)
r5 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 5)[0]) / len(ranks)
r10 = 100.0 * len(np.where(ranks < 10)[0]) / len(ranks)
medr = np.floor(np.median(ranks)) + 1
meanr = ranks.mean() + 1
if return_ranks:
return (r1, r5, r10, medr, meanr), (ranks, top1)
return (r1, r5, r10, medr, meanr)