import os import errno import numpy as np import torch from detectron2.structures import Instances from models.bua.layers.nms import nms def save_features(output_file, features, boxes=None): if boxes is None: res = features, res) else: np.savez(output_file, x=features, bbox=boxes) def mkdir(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise def extractor_postprocess(boxes, scores, features_pooled, input_per_image, extractor): """ Resize the output instances. The input images are often resized when entering an object detector. As a result, we often need the outputs of the detector in a different resolution from its inputs. This function will resize the raw outputs of an R-CNN detector to produce outputs according to the desired output resolution. Args: results (Instances): the raw outputs from the detector. `results.image_size` contains the input image resolution the detector sees. This object might be modified in-place. output_height, output_width: the desired output resolution. Returns: Instances: the resized output from the model, based on the output resolution """ MIN_BOXES = extractor.MIN_BOXES MAX_BOXES = extractor.MAX_BOXES CONF_THRESH = extractor.CONF_THRESH cur_device = scores.device dets = boxes / input_per_image["im_scale"] max_conf = torch.zeros((scores.shape[0])).to(cur_device) for cls_ind in range(1, scores.shape[1]): cls_scores = scores[:, cls_ind] keep = nms(dets, cls_scores, 0.3) max_conf[keep] = torch.where(cls_scores[keep] > max_conf[keep], cls_scores[keep], max_conf[keep]) keep_boxes = torch.nonzero(max_conf >= CONF_THRESH).flatten() if len(keep_boxes) < MIN_BOXES: keep_boxes = torch.argsort(max_conf, descending=True)[:MIN_BOXES] elif len(keep_boxes) > MAX_BOXES: keep_boxes = torch.argsort(max_conf, descending=True)[:MAX_BOXES] image_feat = features_pooled[keep_boxes] image_bboxes = dets[keep_boxes] return image_feat, image_bboxes