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# 2022.06.17-Changed for building ViG model
# Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. <>
# modified from
# Copyright (c) Meta Platforms, Inc. and affiliates.
# All rights reserved.
# This source code is licensed under the license found in the
# LICENSE file in the root directory of this source tree.
# --------------------------------------------------------
# Position embedding utils
# --------------------------------------------------------
import numpy as np
import torch
# --------------------------------------------------------
# relative position embedding
# References:
# --------------------------------------------------------
def get_2d_relative_pos_embed(embed_dim, grid_size):
grid_size: int of the grid height and width
pos_embed: [grid_size*grid_size, grid_size*grid_size]
pos_embed = get_2d_sincos_pos_embed(embed_dim, grid_size)
relative_pos = 2 * np.matmul(pos_embed, pos_embed.transpose()) / pos_embed.shape[1]
return relative_pos
# --------------------------------------------------------
# 2D sine-cosine position embedding
# References:
# Transformer:
# MoCo v3:
# --------------------------------------------------------
def get_2d_sincos_pos_embed(embed_dim, grid_size, cls_token=False):
grid_size: int of the grid height and width
pos_embed: [grid_size*grid_size, embed_dim] or [1+grid_size*grid_size, embed_dim] (w/ or w/o cls_token)
grid_h = np.arange(grid_size, dtype=np.float32)
grid_w = np.arange(grid_size, dtype=np.float32)
grid = np.meshgrid(grid_w, grid_h) # here w goes first
grid = np.stack(grid, axis=0)
grid = grid.reshape([2, 1, grid_size, grid_size])
pos_embed = get_2d_sincos_pos_embed_from_grid(embed_dim, grid)
if cls_token:
pos_embed = np.concatenate([np.zeros([1, embed_dim]), pos_embed], axis=0)
return pos_embed
def get_2d_sincos_pos_embed_from_grid(embed_dim, grid):
assert embed_dim % 2 == 0
# use half of dimensions to encode grid_h
emb_h = get_1d_sincos_pos_embed_from_grid(embed_dim // 2, grid[0]) # (H*W, D/2)
emb_w = get_1d_sincos_pos_embed_from_grid(embed_dim // 2, grid[1]) # (H*W, D/2)
emb = np.concatenate([emb_h, emb_w], axis=1) # (H*W, D)
return emb
def get_1d_sincos_pos_embed_from_grid(embed_dim, pos):
embed_dim: output dimension for each position
pos: a list of positions to be encoded: size (M,)
out: (M, D)
assert embed_dim % 2 == 0
omega = np.arange(embed_dim // 2, dtype=np.float)
omega /= embed_dim / 2.
omega = 1. / 10000**omega # (D/2,)
pos = pos.reshape(-1) # (M,)
out = np.einsum('m,d->md', pos, omega) # (M, D/2), outer product
emb_sin = np.sin(out) # (M, D/2)
emb_cos = np.cos(out) # (M, D/2)
emb = np.concatenate([emb_sin, emb_cos], axis=1) # (M, D)
return emb