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# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license
site_name: Ultralytics YOLOv8 文档
site_description: 探索Ultralytics YOLOv8,这是一款尖端的实时对象检测和图像分割模型,适用于各种应用和硬件平台。
site_url: https://docs.ultralytics.com/zh/
site_author: Ultralytics
repo_url: https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics
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# Primary navigation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- 主页:
- 主页: index.md
- 快速开始: quickstart.md
- 模式:
- modes/index.md
- 训练: modes/train.md
- 验证: modes/val.md
- 预测: modes/predict.md
- 导出: modes/export.md
- 跟踪: modes/track.md
- 基准测试: modes/benchmark.md
- 任务:
- tasks/index.md
- 检测: tasks/detect.md
- 分割: tasks/segment.md
- 分类: tasks/classify.md
- 姿态: tasks/pose.md
- 快速开始: quickstart.md
- 模式:
- modes/index.md
- 训练: modes/train.md
- 验证: modes/val.md
- 预测: modes/predict.md
- 导出: modes/export.md
- 跟踪: modes/track.md
- 基准测试: modes/benchmark.md
- 任务:
- tasks/index.md
- 检测: tasks/detect.md
- 分割: tasks/segment.md
- 分类: tasks/classify.md
- 姿态: tasks/pose.md
- 模型:
- models/index.md
- YOLOv3: models/yolov3.md
- YOLOv4: models/yolov4.md
- YOLOv5: models/yolov5.md
- YOLOv6: models/yolov6.md
- YOLOv7: models/yolov7.md
- YOLOv8: models/yolov8.md
- SAM (Segment Anything Model): models/sam.md
- MobileSAM (Mobile Segment Anything Model): models/mobile-sam.md
- FastSAM (Fast Segment Anything Model): models/fast-sam.md
- YOLO-NAS (Neural Architecture Search): models/yolo-nas.md
- RT-DETR (Realtime Detection Transformer): models/rtdetr.md
- 数据集:
- datasets/index.md
# Plugins including 301 redirects navigation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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