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397 lines
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# Ultralytics YOLO 🚀, AGPL-3.0 license
"""Model head modules."""
import math
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.nn.init import constant_, xavier_uniform_
from ultralytics.utils.tal import TORCH_1_10, dist2bbox, make_anchors
from .block import DFL, Proto
from .conv import Conv
from .transformer import MLP, DeformableTransformerDecoder, DeformableTransformerDecoderLayer
from .utils import bias_init_with_prob, linear_init_
__all__ = 'Detect', 'Segment', 'Pose', 'Classify', 'RTDETRDecoder'
class Detect(nn.Module):
"""YOLOv8 Detect head for detection models."""
dynamic = False # force grid reconstruction
export = False # export mode
shape = None
anchors = torch.empty(0) # init
strides = torch.empty(0) # init
def __init__(self, nc=80, ch=()):
"""Initializes the YOLOv8 detection layer with specified number of classes and channels."""
self.nc = nc # number of classes
self.nl = len(ch) # number of detection layers
self.reg_max = 16 # DFL channels (ch[0] // 16 to scale 4/8/12/16/20 for n/s/m/l/x)
self.no = nc + self.reg_max * 4 # number of outputs per anchor
self.stride = torch.zeros(self.nl) # strides computed during build
c2, c3 = max((16, ch[0] // 4, self.reg_max * 4)), max(ch[0], min(self.nc, 100)) # channels
self.cv2 = nn.ModuleList(
nn.Sequential(Conv(x, c2, 3), Conv(c2, c2, 3), nn.Conv2d(c2, 4 * self.reg_max, 1)) for x in ch)
self.cv3 = nn.ModuleList(nn.Sequential(Conv(x, c3, 3), Conv(c3, c3, 3), nn.Conv2d(c3, self.nc, 1)) for x in ch)
self.dfl = DFL(self.reg_max) if self.reg_max > 1 else nn.Identity()
def forward(self, x):
"""Concatenates and returns predicted bounding boxes and class probabilities."""
shape = x[0].shape # BCHW
for i in range(self.nl):
x[i] = torch.cat((self.cv2[i](x[i]), self.cv3[i](x[i])), 1)
if self.training:
return x
elif self.dynamic or self.shape != shape:
self.anchors, self.strides = (x.transpose(0, 1) for x in make_anchors(x, self.stride, 0.5))
self.shape = shape
x_cat = torch.cat([xi.view(shape[0], self.no, -1) for xi in x], 2)
if self.export and self.format in ('saved_model', 'pb', 'tflite', 'edgetpu', 'tfjs'): # avoid TF FlexSplitV ops
box = x_cat[:, :self.reg_max * 4]
cls = x_cat[:, self.reg_max * 4:]
box, cls = x_cat.split((self.reg_max * 4, self.nc), 1)
dbox = dist2bbox(self.dfl(box), self.anchors.unsqueeze(0), xywh=True, dim=1) * self.strides
if self.export and self.format in ('tflite', 'edgetpu'):
# Normalize xywh with image size to mitigate quantization error of TFLite integer models as done in YOLOv5:
# https://github.com/ultralytics/yolov5/blob/0c8de3fca4a702f8ff5c435e67f378d1fce70243/models/tf.py#L307-L309
# See this PR for details: https://github.com/ultralytics/ultralytics/pull/1695
img_h = shape[2] * self.stride[0]
img_w = shape[3] * self.stride[0]
img_size = torch.tensor([img_w, img_h, img_w, img_h], device=dbox.device).reshape(1, 4, 1)
dbox /= img_size
y = torch.cat((dbox, cls.sigmoid()), 1)
return y if self.export else (y, x)
def bias_init(self):
"""Initialize Detect() biases, WARNING: requires stride availability."""
m = self # self.model[-1] # Detect() module
# cf = torch.bincount(torch.tensor(np.concatenate(dataset.labels, 0)[:, 0]).long(), minlength=nc) + 1
# ncf = math.log(0.6 / (m.nc - 0.999999)) if cf is None else torch.log(cf / cf.sum()) # nominal class frequency
for a, b, s in zip(m.cv2, m.cv3, m.stride): # from
a[-1].bias.data[:] = 1.0 # box
b[-1].bias.data[:m.nc] = math.log(5 / m.nc / (640 / s) ** 2) # cls (.01 objects, 80 classes, 640 img)
class Segment(Detect):
"""YOLOv8 Segment head for segmentation models."""
def __init__(self, nc=80, nm=32, npr=256, ch=()):
"""Initialize the YOLO model attributes such as the number of masks, prototypes, and the convolution layers."""
super().__init__(nc, ch)
self.nm = nm # number of masks
self.npr = npr # number of protos
self.proto = Proto(ch[0], self.npr, self.nm) # protos
self.detect = Detect.forward
c4 = max(ch[0] // 4, self.nm)
self.cv4 = nn.ModuleList(nn.Sequential(Conv(x, c4, 3), Conv(c4, c4, 3), nn.Conv2d(c4, self.nm, 1)) for x in ch)
def forward(self, x):
"""Return model outputs and mask coefficients if training, otherwise return outputs and mask coefficients."""
p = self.proto(x[0]) # mask protos
bs = p.shape[0] # batch size
mc = torch.cat([self.cv4[i](x[i]).view(bs, self.nm, -1) for i in range(self.nl)], 2) # mask coefficients
x = self.detect(self, x)
if self.training:
return x, mc, p
return (torch.cat([x, mc], 1), p) if self.export else (torch.cat([x[0], mc], 1), (x[1], mc, p))
class Pose(Detect):
"""YOLOv8 Pose head for keypoints models."""
def __init__(self, nc=80, kpt_shape=(17, 3), ch=()):
"""Initialize YOLO network with default parameters and Convolutional Layers."""
super().__init__(nc, ch)
self.kpt_shape = kpt_shape # number of keypoints, number of dims (2 for x,y or 3 for x,y,visible)
self.nk = kpt_shape[0] * kpt_shape[1] # number of keypoints total
self.detect = Detect.forward
c4 = max(ch[0] // 4, self.nk)
self.cv4 = nn.ModuleList(nn.Sequential(Conv(x, c4, 3), Conv(c4, c4, 3), nn.Conv2d(c4, self.nk, 1)) for x in ch)
def forward(self, x):
"""Perform forward pass through YOLO model and return predictions."""
bs = x[0].shape[0] # batch size
kpt = torch.cat([self.cv4[i](x[i]).view(bs, self.nk, -1) for i in range(self.nl)], -1) # (bs, 17*3, h*w)
x = self.detect(self, x)
if self.training:
return x, kpt
pred_kpt = self.kpts_decode(bs, kpt)
return torch.cat([x, pred_kpt], 1) if self.export else (torch.cat([x[0], pred_kpt], 1), (x[1], kpt))
def kpts_decode(self, bs, kpts):
"""Decodes keypoints."""
ndim = self.kpt_shape[1]
if self.export: # required for TFLite export to avoid 'PLACEHOLDER_FOR_GREATER_OP_CODES' bug
y = kpts.view(bs, *self.kpt_shape, -1)
a = (y[:, :, :2] * 2.0 + (self.anchors - 0.5)) * self.strides
if ndim == 3:
a = torch.cat((a, y[:, :, 2:3].sigmoid()), 2)
return a.view(bs, self.nk, -1)
y = kpts.clone()
if ndim == 3:
y[:, 2::3] = y[:, 2::3].sigmoid() # sigmoid (WARNING: inplace .sigmoid_() Apple MPS bug)
y[:, 0::ndim] = (y[:, 0::ndim] * 2.0 + (self.anchors[0] - 0.5)) * self.strides
y[:, 1::ndim] = (y[:, 1::ndim] * 2.0 + (self.anchors[1] - 0.5)) * self.strides
return y
class Classify(nn.Module):
"""YOLOv8 classification head, i.e. x(b,c1,20,20) to x(b,c2)."""
def __init__(self, c1, c2, k=1, s=1, p=None, g=1):
"""Initializes YOLOv8 classification head with specified input and output channels, kernel size, stride,
padding, and groups.
c_ = 1280 # efficientnet_b0 size
self.conv = Conv(c1, c_, k, s, p, g)
self.pool = nn.AdaptiveAvgPool2d(1) # to x(b,c_,1,1)
self.drop = nn.Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=True)
self.linear = nn.Linear(c_, c2) # to x(b,c2)
def forward(self, x):
"""Performs a forward pass of the YOLO model on input image data."""
if isinstance(x, list):
x = torch.cat(x, 1)
x = self.linear(self.drop(self.pool(self.conv(x)).flatten(1)))
return x if self.training else x.softmax(1)
class RTDETRDecoder(nn.Module):
Real-Time Deformable Transformer Decoder (RTDETRDecoder) module for object detection.
This decoder module utilizes Transformer architecture along with deformable convolutions to predict bounding boxes
and class labels for objects in an image. It integrates features from multiple layers and runs through a series of
Transformer decoder layers to output the final predictions.
export = False # export mode
def __init__(
ch=(512, 1024, 2048),
hd=256, # hidden dim
nq=300, # num queries
ndp=4, # num decoder points
nh=8, # num head
ndl=6, # num decoder layers
d_ffn=1024, # dim of feedforward
# Training args
nd=100, # num denoising
Initializes the RTDETRDecoder module with the given parameters.
nc (int): Number of classes. Default is 80.
ch (tuple): Channels in the backbone feature maps. Default is (512, 1024, 2048).
hd (int): Dimension of hidden layers. Default is 256.
nq (int): Number of query points. Default is 300.
ndp (int): Number of decoder points. Default is 4.
nh (int): Number of heads in multi-head attention. Default is 8.
ndl (int): Number of decoder layers. Default is 6.
d_ffn (int): Dimension of the feed-forward networks. Default is 1024.
dropout (float): Dropout rate. Default is 0.
act (nn.Module): Activation function. Default is nn.ReLU.
eval_idx (int): Evaluation index. Default is -1.
nd (int): Number of denoising. Default is 100.
label_noise_ratio (float): Label noise ratio. Default is 0.5.
box_noise_scale (float): Box noise scale. Default is 1.0.
learnt_init_query (bool): Whether to learn initial query embeddings. Default is False.
self.hidden_dim = hd
self.nhead = nh
self.nl = len(ch) # num level
self.nc = nc
self.num_queries = nq
self.num_decoder_layers = ndl
# Backbone feature projection
self.input_proj = nn.ModuleList(nn.Sequential(nn.Conv2d(x, hd, 1, bias=False), nn.BatchNorm2d(hd)) for x in ch)
# NOTE: simplified version but it's not consistent with .pt weights.
# self.input_proj = nn.ModuleList(Conv(x, hd, act=False) for x in ch)
# Transformer module
decoder_layer = DeformableTransformerDecoderLayer(hd, nh, d_ffn, dropout, act, self.nl, ndp)
self.decoder = DeformableTransformerDecoder(hd, decoder_layer, ndl, eval_idx)
# Denoising part
self.denoising_class_embed = nn.Embedding(nc, hd)
self.num_denoising = nd
self.label_noise_ratio = label_noise_ratio
self.box_noise_scale = box_noise_scale
# Decoder embedding
self.learnt_init_query = learnt_init_query
if learnt_init_query:
self.tgt_embed = nn.Embedding(nq, hd)
self.query_pos_head = MLP(4, 2 * hd, hd, num_layers=2)
# Encoder head
self.enc_output = nn.Sequential(nn.Linear(hd, hd), nn.LayerNorm(hd))
self.enc_score_head = nn.Linear(hd, nc)
self.enc_bbox_head = MLP(hd, hd, 4, num_layers=3)
# Decoder head
self.dec_score_head = nn.ModuleList([nn.Linear(hd, nc) for _ in range(ndl)])
self.dec_bbox_head = nn.ModuleList([MLP(hd, hd, 4, num_layers=3) for _ in range(ndl)])
def forward(self, x, batch=None):
"""Runs the forward pass of the module, returning bounding box and classification scores for the input."""
from ultralytics.models.utils.ops import get_cdn_group
# Input projection and embedding
feats, shapes = self._get_encoder_input(x)
# Prepare denoising training
dn_embed, dn_bbox, attn_mask, dn_meta = \
embed, refer_bbox, enc_bboxes, enc_scores = \
self._get_decoder_input(feats, shapes, dn_embed, dn_bbox)
# Decoder
dec_bboxes, dec_scores = self.decoder(embed,
x = dec_bboxes, dec_scores, enc_bboxes, enc_scores, dn_meta
if self.training:
return x
# (bs, 300, 4+nc)
y = torch.cat((dec_bboxes.squeeze(0), dec_scores.squeeze(0).sigmoid()), -1)
return y if self.export else (y, x)
def _generate_anchors(self, shapes, grid_size=0.05, dtype=torch.float32, device='cpu', eps=1e-2):
"""Generates anchor bounding boxes for given shapes with specific grid size and validates them."""
anchors = []
for i, (h, w) in enumerate(shapes):
sy = torch.arange(end=h, dtype=dtype, device=device)
sx = torch.arange(end=w, dtype=dtype, device=device)
grid_y, grid_x = torch.meshgrid(sy, sx, indexing='ij') if TORCH_1_10 else torch.meshgrid(sy, sx)
grid_xy = torch.stack([grid_x, grid_y], -1) # (h, w, 2)
valid_WH = torch.tensor([h, w], dtype=dtype, device=device)
grid_xy = (grid_xy.unsqueeze(0) + 0.5) / valid_WH # (1, h, w, 2)
wh = torch.ones_like(grid_xy, dtype=dtype, device=device) * grid_size * (2.0 ** i)
anchors.append(torch.cat([grid_xy, wh], -1).view(-1, h * w, 4)) # (1, h*w, 4)
anchors = torch.cat(anchors, 1) # (1, h*w*nl, 4)
valid_mask = ((anchors > eps) * (anchors < 1 - eps)).all(-1, keepdim=True) # 1, h*w*nl, 1
anchors = torch.log(anchors / (1 - anchors))
anchors = anchors.masked_fill(~valid_mask, float('inf'))
return anchors, valid_mask
def _get_encoder_input(self, x):
"""Processes and returns encoder inputs by getting projection features from input and concatenating them."""
# Get projection features
x = [self.input_proj[i](feat) for i, feat in enumerate(x)]
# Get encoder inputs
feats = []
shapes = []
for feat in x:
h, w = feat.shape[2:]
# [b, c, h, w] -> [b, h*w, c]
feats.append(feat.flatten(2).permute(0, 2, 1))
# [nl, 2]
shapes.append([h, w])
# [b, h*w, c]
feats = torch.cat(feats, 1)
return feats, shapes
def _get_decoder_input(self, feats, shapes, dn_embed=None, dn_bbox=None):
"""Generates and prepares the input required for the decoder from the provided features and shapes."""
bs = len(feats)
# Prepare input for decoder
anchors, valid_mask = self._generate_anchors(shapes, dtype=feats.dtype, device=feats.device)
features = self.enc_output(valid_mask * feats) # bs, h*w, 256
enc_outputs_scores = self.enc_score_head(features) # (bs, h*w, nc)
# Query selection
# (bs, num_queries)
topk_ind = torch.topk(enc_outputs_scores.max(-1).values, self.num_queries, dim=1).indices.view(-1)
# (bs, num_queries)
batch_ind = torch.arange(end=bs, dtype=topk_ind.dtype).unsqueeze(-1).repeat(1, self.num_queries).view(-1)
# (bs, num_queries, 256)
top_k_features = features[batch_ind, topk_ind].view(bs, self.num_queries, -1)
# (bs, num_queries, 4)
top_k_anchors = anchors[:, topk_ind].view(bs, self.num_queries, -1)
# Dynamic anchors + static content
refer_bbox = self.enc_bbox_head(top_k_features) + top_k_anchors
enc_bboxes = refer_bbox.sigmoid()
if dn_bbox is not None:
refer_bbox = torch.cat([dn_bbox, refer_bbox], 1)
enc_scores = enc_outputs_scores[batch_ind, topk_ind].view(bs, self.num_queries, -1)
embeddings = self.tgt_embed.weight.unsqueeze(0).repeat(bs, 1, 1) if self.learnt_init_query else top_k_features
if self.training:
refer_bbox = refer_bbox.detach()
if not self.learnt_init_query:
embeddings = embeddings.detach()
if dn_embed is not None:
embeddings = torch.cat([dn_embed, embeddings], 1)
return embeddings, refer_bbox, enc_bboxes, enc_scores
def _reset_parameters(self):
"""Initializes or resets the parameters of the model's various components with predefined weights and biases."""
# Class and bbox head init
bias_cls = bias_init_with_prob(0.01) / 80 * self.nc
# NOTE: the weight initialization in `linear_init_` would cause NaN when training with custom datasets.
# linear_init_(self.enc_score_head)
constant_(self.enc_score_head.bias, bias_cls)
constant_(self.enc_bbox_head.layers[-1].weight, 0.)
constant_(self.enc_bbox_head.layers[-1].bias, 0.)
for cls_, reg_ in zip(self.dec_score_head, self.dec_bbox_head):
# linear_init_(cls_)
constant_(cls_.bias, bias_cls)
constant_(reg_.layers[-1].weight, 0.)
constant_(reg_.layers[-1].bias, 0.)
if self.learnt_init_query:
for layer in self.input_proj: