355 lines
10 KiB
Protocol Buffer
Executable File
355 lines
10 KiB
Protocol Buffer
Executable File
// Copyright 2017 The Cartographer Authors
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
import "cartographer/mapping/proto/pose_graph.proto";
import "cartographer/mapping/proto/serialization.proto";
import "cartographer/mapping/proto/submap_visualization.proto";
import "cartographer/mapping/proto/trajectory_builder_options.proto";
import "cartographer/sensor/proto/sensor.proto";
import "cartographer/transform/proto/transform.proto";
import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
package cartographer.cloud.proto;
enum SensorType {
RANGE = 0;
IMU = 1;
enum TrajectoryState {
message SensorId {
string id = 1;
SensorType type = 2;
message AddTrajectoryRequest {
repeated SensorId expected_sensor_ids = 3;
trajectory_builder_options = 2;
string client_id = 4;
message SensorMetadata {
int32 trajectory_id = 1;
string sensor_id = 2;
string client_id = 3;
message SensorData {
SensorMetadata sensor_metadata = 1;
oneof sensor_data {
cartographer.sensor.proto.OdometryData odometry_data = 2;
cartographer.sensor.proto.ImuData imu_data = 3;
cartographer.sensor.proto.TimedPointCloudData timed_point_cloud_data = 4;
cartographer.sensor.proto.FixedFramePoseData fixed_frame_pose_data = 5;
cartographer.sensor.proto.LandmarkData landmark_data = 6;
cartographer.mapping.proto.LocalSlamResultData local_slam_result_data = 7;
message AddTrajectoryResponse {
int32 trajectory_id = 1;
message AddSensorDataBatchRequest {
repeated SensorData sensor_data = 1;
message AddOdometryDataRequest {
SensorMetadata sensor_metadata = 1;
cartographer.sensor.proto.OdometryData odometry_data = 2;
message AddImuDataRequest {
SensorMetadata sensor_metadata = 1;
cartographer.sensor.proto.ImuData imu_data = 2;
message AddRangefinderDataRequest {
SensorMetadata sensor_metadata = 1;
cartographer.sensor.proto.TimedPointCloudData timed_point_cloud_data = 2;
message AddFixedFramePoseDataRequest {
SensorMetadata sensor_metadata = 1;
cartographer.sensor.proto.FixedFramePoseData fixed_frame_pose_data = 2;
message AddLandmarkDataRequest {
SensorMetadata sensor_metadata = 1;
cartographer.sensor.proto.LandmarkData landmark_data = 2;
message FinishTrajectoryRequest {
int32 trajectory_id = 1;
string client_id = 2;
message DeleteTrajectoryRequest {
int32 trajectory_id = 1;
string client_id = 2;
message ReceiveLocalSlamResultsRequest {
int32 trajectory_id = 1;
message LocalSlamInsertionResult {
cartographer.mapping.proto.NodeId node_id = 1;
message ReceiveLocalSlamResultsResponse {
int32 trajectory_id = 1;
int64 timestamp = 2;
cartographer.transform.proto.Rigid3d local_pose = 3;
cartographer.sensor.proto.RangeData range_data = 4;
LocalSlamInsertionResult insertion_result = 5;
message ReceiveGlobalSlamOptimizationsResponse {
map<int32 /* trajectory_id */, cartographer.mapping.proto.NodeId>
last_optimized_node_ids = 1;
map<int32 /* trajectory_id */, cartographer.mapping.proto.SubmapId>
last_optimized_submap_ids = 2;
message GetSubmapRequest {
cartographer.mapping.proto.SubmapId submap_id = 1;
message LoadStateRequest {
oneof state_chunk {
cartographer.mapping.proto.SerializedData serialized_data = 1;
cartographer.mapping.proto.SerializationHeader serialization_header = 2;
string client_id = 3;
bool load_frozen_state = 4;
message TrajectoryRemapping {
map<int32 /* serialized trajectory id */, int32 /* trajectory id */>
serialized_trajectories_to_trajectories = 1;
message LoadStateResponse {
TrajectoryRemapping trajectory_remapping = 1;
message LoadStateFromFileRequest {
string file_path = 1;
string client_id = 2;
bool load_frozen_state = 3;
message LoadStateFromFileResponse {
TrajectoryRemapping trajectory_remapping = 1;
message GetSubmapResponse {
cartographer.mapping.proto.SubmapQuery.Response submap_query_response = 1;
string error_msg = 2;
message TrajectoryNodePose {
message ConstantPoseData {
int64 timestamp = 1;
cartographer.transform.proto.Rigid3d local_pose = 2;
cartographer.mapping.proto.NodeId node_id = 1;
cartographer.transform.proto.Rigid3d global_pose = 2;
ConstantPoseData constant_pose_data = 3;
message GetTrajectoryNodePosesResponse {
repeated TrajectoryNodePose node_poses = 1;
message GetTrajectoryStatesResponse {
map<int32 /* trajectory_id */, TrajectoryState> trajectories_state = 1;
message GetLandmarkPosesResponse {
repeated cartographer.mapping.proto.PoseGraph.LandmarkPose landmark_poses = 1;
message SetLandmarkPoseRequest {
cartographer.mapping.proto.PoseGraph.LandmarkPose landmark_pose = 1;
message SubmapPose {
cartographer.mapping.proto.SubmapId submap_id = 1;
int32 submap_version = 2;
cartographer.transform.proto.Rigid3d global_pose = 3;
message GetAllSubmapPosesResponse {
repeated SubmapPose submap_poses = 1;
message GetLocalToGlobalTransformRequest {
int32 trajectory_id = 1;
message GetLocalToGlobalTransformResponse {
cartographer.transform.proto.Rigid3d local_to_global = 1;
message GetConstraintsResponse {
repeated cartographer.mapping.proto.PoseGraph.Constraint constraints = 1;
message WriteStateResponse {
oneof state_chunk {
cartographer.mapping.proto.SerializationHeader header = 1;
cartographer.mapping.proto.SerializedData serialized_data = 2;
message WriteStateToFileRequest {
string filename = 1;
message WriteStateToFileResponse {
bool success = 1;
message IsTrajectoryFinishedRequest {
int32 trajectory_id = 1;
message IsTrajectoryFinishedResponse {
bool is_finished = 1;
message IsTrajectoryFrozenRequest {
int32 trajectory_id = 1;
message IsTrajectoryFrozenResponse {
bool is_frozen = 1;
service MapBuilderService {
// Starts a new trajectory and returns its index.
rpc AddTrajectory(AddTrajectoryRequest) returns (AddTrajectoryResponse);
// Adds a batch of sensor data to a trajectory.
rpc AddSensorDataBatch(AddSensorDataBatchRequest)
returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Adds odometry data from the sensor with id 'sensor_metadata.sensor_id' to
// the trajectory corresponding to 'sensor_metadata.trajectory_id'.
rpc AddOdometryData(stream AddOdometryDataRequest)
returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Same for IMU data.
rpc AddImuData(stream AddImuDataRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Same for range-finder data.
rpc AddRangefinderData(stream AddRangefinderDataRequest)
returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Same for fixed-frame pose data.
rpc AddFixedFramePoseData(stream AddFixedFramePoseDataRequest)
returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Same for landmark data.
rpc AddLandmarkData(stream AddLandmarkDataRequest)
returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Requests the server to send a stream of local SLAM results for the given
// 'trajectory_id'.
rpc ReceiveLocalSlamResults(ReceiveLocalSlamResultsRequest)
returns (stream ReceiveLocalSlamResultsResponse);
// Requests the server to send a stream of global SLAM notifications.
rpc ReceiveGlobalSlamOptimizations(google.protobuf.Empty)
returns (stream ReceiveGlobalSlamOptimizationsResponse);
// Marks a trajectory corresponding to 'trajectory_id' as finished,
// i.e. no further sensor data is expected.
rpc FinishTrajectory(FinishTrajectoryRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Deletes a trajectory asynchronously.
rpc DeleteTrajectory(DeleteTrajectoryRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Retrieves a single submap.
rpc GetSubmap(GetSubmapRequest) returns (GetSubmapResponse);
// Returns the current optimized trajectory poses.
rpc GetTrajectoryNodePoses(google.protobuf.Empty)
returns (GetTrajectoryNodePosesResponse);
// Returns the states of trajectories.
rpc GetTrajectoryStates(google.protobuf.Empty)
returns (GetTrajectoryStatesResponse);
// Returns the current optimized landmark poses.
rpc GetLandmarkPoses(google.protobuf.Empty)
returns (GetLandmarkPosesResponse);
// Returns the current optimized submap poses.
rpc GetAllSubmapPoses(google.protobuf.Empty)
returns (GetAllSubmapPosesResponse);
// Returns the current local-to-global transform for the trajectory.
rpc GetLocalToGlobalTransform(GetLocalToGlobalTransformRequest)
returns (GetLocalToGlobalTransformResponse);
// Returns the list of constraints in the current optimization problem.
rpc GetConstraints(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (GetConstraintsResponse);
// Sets a pose for a landmark.
rpc SetLandmarkPose(SetLandmarkPoseRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Checks whether the trajectory is finished.
rpc IsTrajectoryFinished(IsTrajectoryFinishedRequest)
returns (IsTrajectoryFinishedResponse);
// Checks whether the trajectory is frozen.
rpc IsTrajectoryFrozen(IsTrajectoryFrozenRequest)
returns (IsTrajectoryFrozenResponse);
// Requests a PoseGraph to call RunFinalOptimization.
rpc RunFinalOptimization(google.protobuf.Empty)
returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
// Adds serialized SLAM state data in the order defined by ProtoStreamReader.
rpc LoadState(stream LoadStateRequest) returns (LoadStateResponse);
// Loads a serialized SLAM state data from the host file system.
rpc LoadStateFromFile(LoadStateFromFileRequest)
returns (LoadStateFromFileResponse);
// Receives serialized SLAM state data in the order defined by
// ProtoStreamWriter.
rpc WriteState(google.protobuf.Empty) returns (stream WriteStateResponse);
// Writes the serialized SLAM state to the host file system.
rpc WriteStateToFile(WriteStateToFileRequest)
returns (WriteStateToFileResponse);