602 lines
27 KiB
Executable File
602 lines
27 KiB
Executable File
* Copyright 2017 The Cartographer Authors
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
#include "cartographer/io/submap_painter.h"
#include <iostream>
#include "cartographer/mapping/2d/submap_2d.h"
#include "cartographer/mapping/3d/submap_3d.h"
#include "cairo/cairo.h"
#include <map>
#include <utility>
int c[4000000]={0};
int a[4000000]={0};
namespace cartographer {
namespace io {
namespace {
Eigen::Affine3d ToEigen(const ::cartographer::transform::Rigid3d& rigid3) {
return Eigen::Translation3d(rigid3.translation()) * rigid3.rotation();
void myCairoPaintSubmapSlices(
const double scale,
const std::map<::cartographer::mapping::SubmapId, SubmapSlice>& submaps,
cairo_t* cr, std::function<void(const ::cartographer::mapping::SubmapId&,const SubmapSlice&)> draw_callback) {
cairo_scale(cr, scale, scale);
for (auto& pair : submaps) {
const auto& submap_slice = pair.second;
const auto& submap_id = pair.first;
if (submap_slice.surface == nullptr) {
const Eigen::Matrix4d homo =
ToEigen(submap_slice.pose * submap_slice.slice_pose).matrix();
cairo_matrix_t matrix;
cairo_matrix_init(&matrix, homo(1, 0), homo(0, 0), -homo(1, 1), -homo(0, 1),
homo(0, 3), -homo(1, 3));
cairo_transform(cr, &matrix);
const double submap_resolution = submap_slice.resolution;
cairo_scale(cr, submap_resolution, submap_resolution);
// Invokes caller's callback to utilize slice data in global cooridnate
// frame. e.g. finds bounding box, paints slices.
void CairoPaintSubmapSlices(
const double scale,
const std::map<::cartographer::mapping::SubmapId, SubmapSlice>& submaps,
cairo_t* cr, std::function<void(const SubmapSlice&)> draw_callback) {
cairo_scale(cr, scale, scale);
for (auto& pair : submaps) {
const auto& submap_slice = pair.second;
if (submap_slice.surface == nullptr) {
const Eigen::Matrix4d homo =
ToEigen(submap_slice.pose * submap_slice.slice_pose).matrix();
cairo_matrix_t matrix;
cairo_matrix_init(&matrix, homo(1, 0), homo(0, 0), -homo(1, 1), -homo(0, 1),
homo(0, 3), -homo(1, 3));
cairo_transform(cr, &matrix);
const double submap_resolution = submap_slice.resolution;
cairo_scale(cr, submap_resolution, submap_resolution);
// Invokes caller's callback to utilize slice data in global cooridnate
// frame. e.g. finds bounding box, paints slices.
bool Has2DGrid(const mapping::proto::Submap& submap) {
return submap.has_submap_2d() && submap.submap_2d().has_grid();
bool Has3DGrids(const mapping::proto::Submap& submap) {
return submap.has_submap_3d() &&
submap.submap_3d().has_low_resolution_hybrid_grid() &&
} // namespace
bool cmp_value(const std::pair<int, int> left,const std::pair<int,int> right)
return left.second < right.second;
std::vector < std::map<unsigned char,int> > semmap(4000000);
std::map<int,int> semmap_id;
int num=0;
int* Slices(
const std::map<::cartographer::mapping::SubmapId, SubmapSlice>& submaps,
const double resolution) {
Eigen::AlignedBox2f bounding_box;
auto surface = MakeUniqueCairoSurfacePtr(
cairo_image_surface_create(kCairoFormat, 1, 1));
auto cr = MakeUniqueCairoPtr(cairo_create(surface.get()));
const auto update_bounding_box = [&bounding_box, &cr](double x, double y) {
cairo_user_to_device(cr.get(), &x, &y);
bounding_box.extend(Eigen::Vector2f(x, y));
1. / resolution, submaps, cr.get(),
[&update_bounding_box](const ::cartographer::mapping::SubmapId& submap_id,const SubmapSlice& submap_slice) {
update_bounding_box(0, 0);
update_bounding_box(submap_slice.width, 0);
update_bounding_box(0, submap_slice.height);
update_bounding_box(submap_slice.width, submap_slice.height);
//std::cout<<num<<"num ";
const int kPaddingPixel = 5;
const Eigen::Array2i size(
std::ceil(bounding_box.sizes().x()) + 2 * kPaddingPixel,
std::ceil(bounding_box.sizes().y()) + 2 * kPaddingPixel);
const Eigen::Array2f origin(-bounding_box.min().x() + kPaddingPixel,
-bounding_box.min().y() + kPaddingPixel);
auto surface = MakeUniqueCairoSurfacePtr(
cairo_image_surface_create(kCairoFormat, size.x(), size.y()));
int widthmap=cairo_image_surface_get_width(surface.get());
int heightmap=cairo_image_surface_get_height(surface.get());
//int a[widthmap*heightmap]={0};
auto cr = MakeUniqueCairoPtr(cairo_create(surface.get()));
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr.get(), 0.5,0.0, 0., 1.0);
//...cairo_translate(cr.get(), origin.x(), origin.y());
cairo_translate(cr.get(), 1000,1000);
// std::cout<< origin.x()<<"x "<<origin.y()<<"y "<<std::endl;
int o_x=1000;
int o_y=1000;
myCairoPaintSubmapSlices(1. / resolution, submaps, cr.get(),
[&cr,&surface,&widthmap,&heightmap,&o_x,&o_y](const ::cartographer::mapping::SubmapId& submap_id,const SubmapSlice& submap_slice) {
//cairo_set_source_surface(cr.get(), submap_slice.surface.get(), 0., 0.);
int height=submap_slice.height; //确保width是像素点尺寸长
int width=submap_slice.width;
const uint32_t* pixel_data = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(cairo_image_surface_get_data(submap_slice.surface.get()));
//std::cout<<ToEigen( submap_slice.pose *submap_slice.slice_pose).matrix() <<"pose "<<std::endl;
const Eigen::Matrix4d homo =ToEigen(submap_slice.pose * submap_slice.slice_pose).matrix();
//std::cout<<homo(1, 0)<<homo(0, 0)<<-homo(1, 1)<<-homo(0, 1)<< homo(0, 3)<<-homo(1, 3)<<"h "<<std::endl;
// std::cout<<20*homo(0,3)+o_x<<"o_X "<<-20*homo(0,3)+o_y<<std::endl;
int id=submap_id.submap_index*100+submap_slice.version;
auto iter_id=semmap_id.find(id);
if (iter_id == semmap_id.end()){
for (int y = height - 1; y >= 0; --y) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
const uint32_t packed = pixel_data[y * width + x];
const unsigned char sem =(uint8_t)(packed & 0xFFu);
int xm=homo(1,0)*x-homo(1,1)*y+20*homo(0,3)+o_x-1;
int ym=homo(0,0)*x-homo(0,1)*y-20*homo(1,3)+1+o_y;
std::map <unsigned char,int>::iterator iter;
iter=semmap.at(ym * 2000 + xm).find(sem);
if(iter != semmap.at(ym * 2000 + xm).end()){
semmap.at(ym * 2000 + xm)[sem]=semmap.at(ym * 2000 + xm)[sem]+1;
if (sem!=0){
iter=semmap.at(ym * 2000 + xm).begin();
for(;iter != semmap.at(ym * 2000 + xm).end();iter++){
if(iter->first!=sem && iter->second>0 ){
semmap.at(ym * 2000 + xm).insert(std::pair<unsigned char,int>(sem,1));
//策略2 保存0的键值对
int value_0;
auto iter0=semmap.at(ym * 2000 + xm).find(0);
//如果存在0的键值对 因为不知道怎么给全局变量赋值0:0
if (iter0 != semmap.at(ym*2000+xm).end() ){
auto max_probability= max_element(semmap.at(ym * 2000 + xm).begin(),semmap.at(ym * 2000 + xm).end(),cmp_value);
if ((max_probability->second)>=3 && max_probability->first!=1 && xm<2000 && ym<2000 && xm>=0 && ym>=0){
//std::cout<<max_probability->second<<"sec ";
a[ym * 2000 + xm]=max_probability->first;
a[ym * 2000 + xm]=0;
semmap.at(ym * 2000 + xm).insert(std::pair<unsigned char,int>(0,value_0));
if (a[ym * 2000 + xm]>100){
// std::cout<<"before "<<x<<" "<<y<<std::endl;
// std::cout<<"after "<<xm<<" "<<ym<<std::endl;
const uint32_t* q=reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(cairo_image_surface_get_data(surface.get()));
for(int i=0;i<size.x()*size.y();i++){
//if (q[i]!=0xffffa500)
//std::cout<<std::hex<<q[i] <<"q ";
int* b=a;
return b;
// PaintSubmapSlicesResult PaintSubmapSlices(
// const std::map<::cartographer::mapping::SubmapId, SubmapSlice>& submaps,
// const double resolution) {
// Eigen::AlignedBox2f bounding_box;
// {
// auto surface = MakeUniqueCairoSurfacePtr(
// cairo_image_surface_create(kCairoFormat, 1, 1));
// auto cr = MakeUniqueCairoPtr(cairo_create(surface.get()));
// const auto update_bounding_box = [&bounding_box, &cr](double x, double y) {
// cairo_user_to_device(cr.get(), &x, &y);
// bounding_box.extend(Eigen::Vector2f(x, y));
// };
// CairoPaintSubmapSlices(
// 1. / resolution, submaps, cr.get(),
// [&update_bounding_box](const ::cartographer::mapping::SubmapId& submap_id,const SubmapSlice& submap_slice) {
// update_bounding_box(0, 0);
// update_bounding_box(submap_slice.width, 0);
// update_bounding_box(0, submap_slice.height);
// update_bounding_box(submap_slice.width, submap_slice.height);
// });
// }
// const int kPaddingPixel = 5;
// const Eigen::Array2i size(
// std::ceil(bounding_box.sizes().x()) + 2 * kPaddingPixel,
// std::ceil(bounding_box.sizes().y()) + 2 * kPaddingPixel);
// const Eigen::Array2f origin(-bounding_box.min().x() + kPaddingPixel,
// -bounding_box.min().y() + kPaddingPixel);
// auto surface = MakeUniqueCairoSurfacePtr(
// cairo_image_surface_create(kCairoFormat, size.x(), size.y()));
// int widthmap=cairo_image_surface_get_width(surface.get());
// int heightmap=cairo_image_surface_get_height(surface.get());
// {
// auto cr = MakeUniqueCairoPtr(cairo_create(surface.get()));
// cairo_set_source_rgba(cr.get(), 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
// cairo_paint(cr.get());
// cairo_translate(cr.get(), origin.x(), origin.y());
// CairoPaintSubmapSlices(1. / resolution, submaps, cr.get(),
// [&cr,&surface](const ::cartographer::mapping::SubmapId& submap_id,const SubmapSlice& submap_slice) {
// cairo_set_source_surface(
// cr.get(), submap_slice.surface.get(), 0., 0.);
// cairo_paint(cr.get());
// });
// // for (int i=0; i<4000000;i++) {
// // a[i]=0;
// // //c[i]=0;
// // }
// const uint32_t* pixel_data = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(cairo_image_surface_get_data(surface.get()));
// for (int y = heightmap - 1; y >= 0; --y) {
// for (int x = 0; x < widthmap; ++x) {
// const uint32_t packed = pixel_data[y * widthmap + x];
// const unsigned char probality = packed >> 16;
// const unsigned char observed = packed >> 8;
// const unsigned char value=::cartographer::common::RoundToInt((1. - probality / 255.) * 100.);
// //if (value!=0)
// //std::cout<<int(value)<<"v ";
// int xm=x+(1000-origin.x());
// int ym=y+(1000-origin.y());
// if (observed!=0){
// //a[ym * 2000 + xm]=-1;
// if(value <65 && xm<2000 && ym<2000 && xm>=0 && ym>=0){
// //a[ym * 2000 + xm]=value;
// c[ym * 2000 + xm]=value;
// }
// if (value>65 && value<=100 && xm<2000 && ym<2000 && xm>=0 && ym>=0 ){
// //a[ym * 2000 + xm]=value;
// c[ym * 2000 + xm]=value;
// }
// if ( value>65 && value<=100 && a[ym * 2000 + xm]>100 && xm<2000 && ym<2000 && xm>=0 && ym>=0 ){
// //a[ym * 2000 + xm]=value;
// c[ym * 2000 + xm]=a[ym * 2000 + xm];
// }
// }else{
// c[ym * 2000 + xm]=-1;
// }
// }
// }
// cairo_surface_flush(surface.get());
// }
// return PaintSubmapSlicesResult(std::move(surface), origin);
// }
PaintSubmapSlicesResult PaintSubmapSlices(
const std::map<::cartographer::mapping::SubmapId, SubmapSlice>& submaps,
const double resolution) {
Eigen::AlignedBox2f bounding_box;
auto surface = MakeUniqueCairoSurfacePtr(
cairo_image_surface_create(kCairoFormat, 1, 1));
auto cr = MakeUniqueCairoPtr(cairo_create(surface.get()));
const auto update_bounding_box = [&bounding_box, &cr](double x, double y) {
cairo_user_to_device(cr.get(), &x, &y);
bounding_box.extend(Eigen::Vector2f(x, y));
1. / resolution, submaps, cr.get(),
[&update_bounding_box](const SubmapSlice& submap_slice) {
update_bounding_box(0, 0);
update_bounding_box(submap_slice.width, 0);
update_bounding_box(0, submap_slice.height);
update_bounding_box(submap_slice.width, submap_slice.height);
const int kPaddingPixel = 5;
const Eigen::Array2i size(
std::ceil(bounding_box.sizes().x()) + 2 * kPaddingPixel,
std::ceil(bounding_box.sizes().y()) + 2 * kPaddingPixel);
const Eigen::Array2f origin(-bounding_box.min().x() + kPaddingPixel,
-bounding_box.min().y() + kPaddingPixel);
auto surface = MakeUniqueCairoSurfacePtr(
cairo_image_surface_create(kCairoFormat, size.x(), size.y()));
auto cr = MakeUniqueCairoPtr(cairo_create(surface.get()));
cairo_set_source_rgba(cr.get(), 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 1.);
cairo_translate(cr.get(), origin.x(), origin.y());
CairoPaintSubmapSlices(1. / resolution, submaps, cr.get(),
[&cr, &surface, &origin](const SubmapSlice& submap_slice) {
uint32_t height = submap_slice.height;
uint32_t width = submap_slice.width;
uint32_t heightmap = cairo_image_surface_get_height(surface.get());
uint32_t widthmap = cairo_image_surface_get_width(surface.get());
uint32_t* oriPixel = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(cairo_image_surface_get_data(surface.get()));
std::vector<uint8> oriColor;
for (int y = 0; y < heightmap; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < widthmap; ++x) {
uint8 color = oriPixel[y * widthmap + x];
cairo_set_source_surface(cr.get(), submap_slice.surface.get(), 0., 0.);
uint32_t* pixel = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(cairo_image_surface_get_data(submap_slice.surface.get()));
uint32_t* fusedPixel = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(cairo_image_surface_get_data(surface.get()));
const Eigen::Matrix4d homo =ToEigen(submap_slice.pose * submap_slice.slice_pose).matrix();
for (int y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
uint8_t color = pixel[y * width + x];
// 引入了一个格子的误差,所以加减1
int xm=homo(1,0)*x-homo(1,1)*y+20*homo(0,3) + origin.x() - 1;
int ym=homo(0,0)*x-homo(0,1)*y-20*homo(1,3) + origin.y() + 1;
// jzq 考虑新建一个子图后某部分区域摄像头没有观测到,则没有语义信息,而这片区域在
// 之前的子图中被观测到过,有语义,这种情况就应该保留上一张子图的语义
// 目前还无法解决刚好这个区域内有超过测距范围的小物体的语义保留问题
if(submap_slice.observer[y * width + x]) {
fusedPixel[ym * widthmap + xm] = fusedPixel[ym * widthmap + xm] & 0xFFFFFF00 | color;
fusedPixel[ym * widthmap + xm] = fusedPixel[ym * widthmap + xm] & 0xFFFFFF00 | oriColor.at(ym * widthmap + xm);
return PaintSubmapSlicesResult(std::move(surface), origin);
void FillSubmapSlice(
const ::cartographer::transform::Rigid3d& global_submap_pose,
const ::cartographer::mapping::proto::Submap& proto,
SubmapSlice* const submap_slice,
mapping::ValueConversionTables* conversion_tables) {
::cartographer::mapping::proto::SubmapQuery::Response response;
::cartographer::transform::Rigid3d local_pose;
if (proto.has_submap_3d()) {
mapping::Submap3D submap(proto.submap_3d());
local_pose = submap.local_pose();
submap.ToResponseProto(global_submap_pose, &response);
} else {
::cartographer::mapping::Submap2D submap(proto.submap_2d(),
local_pose = submap.local_pose();
submap.ToResponseProto(global_submap_pose, &response);
submap_slice->pose = global_submap_pose;
auto& texture_proto = response.textures(0);
const SubmapTexture::Pixels pixels = UnpackTextureData(
texture_proto.cells(), texture_proto.width(), texture_proto.height());
submap_slice->width = texture_proto.width();
submap_slice->height = texture_proto.height();
submap_slice->resolution = texture_proto.resolution();
submap_slice->slice_pose =
submap_slice->surface =
DrawTexture(pixels.intensity, pixels.alpha, pixels.color,texture_proto.width(),
texture_proto.height(), &submap_slice->cairo_data);
void DeserializeAndFillSubmapSlices(
ProtoStreamDeserializer* deserializer,
std::map<mapping::SubmapId, SubmapSlice>* submap_slices,
mapping::ValueConversionTables* conversion_tables) {
std::map<mapping::SubmapId, transform::Rigid3d> submap_poses;
for (const auto& trajectory : deserializer->pose_graph().trajectory()) {
for (const auto& submap : trajectory.submap()) {
submap.submap_index())] =
mapping::proto::SerializedData proto;
while (deserializer->ReadNextSerializedData(&proto)) {
if (proto.has_submap() &&
(Has2DGrid(proto.submap()) || Has3DGrids(proto.submap()))) {
const auto& submap = proto.submap();
const mapping::SubmapId id{submap.submap_id().trajectory_id(),
FillSubmapSlice(submap_poses.at(id), submap, &(*submap_slices)[id],
SubmapTexture::Pixels UnpackTextureData(const std::string& compressed_cells,
const int width, const int height) {
SubmapTexture::Pixels pixels;
std::string cells;
// 将压缩后的地图栅格数据 解压成 字符串
::cartographer::common::FastGunzipString(compressed_cells, &cells);
const int num_pixels = width * height;
CHECK_EQ(cells.size(), 3 * num_pixels);
// 填充数据
for (int i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
for (int j = 0; j < width; ++j) {
const int8 delta=cells[(i * width + j) * 3];
const uint8 value = delta > 0 ? delta : 0;
const uint8 alpha = delta > 0 ? 0 : -delta;
pixels.color.push_back(cells[(i * width + j) * 3 + 1]);
pixels.observer.push_back(cells[(i * width + j) * 3 + 2]);
return pixels;
* @brief 指向新创建的图像的指针
* @param[in] intensity 地图栅格数据
* @param[in] alpha 地图栅格的透明度
* @param[in] width 地图的宽
* @param[in] height 地图的高
* @param[out] cairo_data 4字节的值, 左边3个字节分别存储了alpha_value intensity_value 与 observed
* @return UniqueCairoSurfacePtr 指向新创建的图像的指针
UniqueCairoSurfacePtr DrawTexture(const std::vector<char>& intensity,
const std::vector<char>& alpha,
const std::vector<char>& color,
const int width, const int height,
std::vector<uint32_t>* const cairo_data) {
// Properly dealing with a non-common stride would make this code much more
// complicated. Let's check that it is not needed.
const int expected_stride = 4 * width;
CHECK_EQ(expected_stride, cairo_format_stride_for_width(kCairoFormat, width));
// 对cairo_data进行填充
for (size_t i = 0; i < intensity.size(); ++i) {
//std::cout<<"enter for !!!!!"<<std::endl;
// We use the red channel to track intensity information. The green
// channel we use to track if a cell was ever observed.
// 使用红色通道来跟踪强度信息 绿色通道来追踪栅格是否被观察到
//。。。填补最后一个字节 color
const uint8_t color_value = color.at(i);
const uint8_t intensity_value = intensity.at(i);
const uint8_t alpha_value = alpha.at(i);
const uint8_t observed =
(intensity_value == 0 && alpha_value == 0) ? 0 : 255;
// tag: 这里需要确认一下
cairo_data->push_back((alpha_value << 24) | // 第一字节 存储透明度
(intensity_value << 16) | // 第二字节 存储栅格值
(observed << 8) | // 第三字节 存储是否被更新过
// color
color_value); // 第四字节 始终为0
// c++11: reinterpret_cast 用于进行各种不同类型的指针之间、不同类型的引用之间以及指针和能容纳指针的整数类型之间的转换
// MakeUniqueCairoSurfacePtr 生成一个指向cairo_surface_t数据的指针
auto surface = MakeUniqueCairoSurfacePtr(
// cairo_image_surface_create_for_data: 根据提供的像素数据创建surface, 返回指向新创建的surface的指针
reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(cairo_data->data()), kCairoFormat, width,
height, expected_stride) );
CHECK_EQ(cairo_surface_status(surface.get()), CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS)
<< cairo_status_to_string(cairo_surface_status(surface.get()));
return surface;
UniqueCairoSurfacePtr DrawTexture(const std::vector<char>& intensity,
const std::vector<char>& alpha,
const int width, const int height,
std::vector<uint32_t>* const cairo_data) {
// Properly dealing with a non-common stride would make this code much more
// complicated. Let's check that it is not needed.
const int expected_stride = 4 * width;
CHECK_EQ(expected_stride, cairo_format_stride_for_width(kCairoFormat, width));
for (size_t i = 0; i < intensity.size(); ++i) {
// We use the red channel to track intensity information. The green
// channel we use to track if a cell was ever observed.
const uint8_t intensity_value = intensity.at(i);
const uint8_t alpha_value = alpha.at(i);
const uint8_t observed =
(intensity_value == 0 && alpha_value == 0) ? 0 : 255;
cairo_data->push_back((alpha_value << 24) | (intensity_value << 16) |
(observed << 8) | 0);
auto surface = MakeUniqueCairoSurfacePtr(cairo_image_surface_create_for_data(
reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(cairo_data->data()), kCairoFormat, width,
height, expected_stride));
CHECK_EQ(cairo_surface_status(surface.get()), CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS)
<< cairo_status_to_string(cairo_surface_status(surface.get()));
return surface;
} // namespace io
} // namespace cartographer